Ebay bans gun part sales

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New member
So, sounds like the liberals have won one. From what I read on my NRA news,
we won't be buying mags, bullets, or anything related to gun parts or components on Ebay anymore after last week.
Some fruitcakes think these parts contribute to making it easier for the BG to kill people.:rolleyes:
I'd like to see a vote set up, but don't know how you do that, on the Ebay rule change.
This is crap. If you voted Democrat this last go around now you will start to see the fruits of your work.

I would encourage everyone who purchases from eBay to no longer do so, and further encourage you to send eBay a letter letting them know your intentions.

Next thing you know they'll stop letting us buy gun parts and ammuniton from actual stores....hmmmmmm


New member

If there are enough "dummies" to vote Hilliary in, you can count on her pushing the anti-gun issure big time, I think most here agree on that.
And, you put it very well, this is "Crap".:mad:


New member

Thought about that initially, then I figured that there are many on this forum affected by this, that may not hear of it or check the other forum.
Sorry if I'm breaking TFL rules.;)
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