East German Makarov

Barn Dog

New member
I found one in OK condition (a bit of holster wear, a scratch or two - not bad though) for $249.00. Although I have been reading a bit about these I'm not real familiar with prices on the East German models. Is $249 a good deal or not? Also, who has the best deal on the unissued Bulgarian models I hear so much about? All help and opinions are appreciated. Thanks.


New member
For me $249.00 is high for the EG, should find one
for 175-200 in top cond.
The Bulgarian unissued model is the best accuracy wise,
(I am sure some will disagree on this).

Try this place: 139.00+12.00 shipping.


New member
Pick up an isue of Shotgun News. You can still find VG examples for less than $140. $249 is way too much.
Bulgies can still be had for $109 in VG. Even with shipping and FFL trasnfer you're still under 2 Bills.


i have both bulgi and a 1961 EG.I PAID 149 FOR THE BUGI.NIB and 200 for the EG. T he EG has the best trigger of any hand gun i own


New member
I have a 1960 EG and a Bulgie unissued and the bulgie is more accurate. The EG is nicer finished but the bulgie works better. I just ordered another unissued Bulgie from JC Armory. $139.95 you can't go wrong.The price you gave is high for EG I paid $170.00 and my EG is in good shape no blue wear.


New member
E german Mak

I just paid 250 for my E German Mak. Seems that the price is going up on E German guns. Of course, I am in the PRNY and guns tend to run higher here. Also I like to handle the gun before I buy and this one was in the showcase, so I don't mind paying a little more for it.

Geoff Ross


New member
I paid about $200 for my EG Mak, but that was a few years ago... What comes with the deal (holster, mags, etc)?

Barn Dog

New member
Thanks guys. I thought $249 might be high even though it comes with the usual holster & 2 mags. I don't have any use for that holster. There is a gun show next weekend, if I don't find anything there I think I might give JC Armory a call. At 140 + 12 to ship and a $25 FFL transfer, I'm in at $177, not too bad I guess if none can be found locally. Regards, Dog.


New member
Barn Dog;
What state you in.? Check gunbrokers.com for list of
dealers, some charge less for transfers. My dealer
here in texas doesn't charge for transfers.


New member
I bought two EG Maks from AIM last year, they were in excellent condition for $129. Hard to argue the price...


New member
Don't wait too long I don't know how many gun JC Armory has in stock. My FFL guy just ordered three Mak's.
One for me the other two for friends of mine.