Eagle feeding

nutty ned

New member
Went jumping ducks today.
Had a bad cold day, with the creeks still half iced over; finally shot a duck.
While I am reloading with #4 steel shot in case the duck is still alive when I get to it, an eagle comes from somewhere and snatches my duck off the surface of the water and is gone with it.


Cool ,Helping to feed eagles. Good for you. Use to watch eagles try to steal fish from ospray some times in naples fl when i worked there. They would fly or roll upside down and grab at the fish. Amazzing birds.

Fat White Boy

New member
I was Chukar hunting in Nevada when I saw what I thought was a bear cub on the side of a mountain we were hunting. I got close enough and was surprised to see it was a Golden Eagle. Big dude!!!


New member
FWB - yeah, Goldens are freaking huge! It took me a while the first time I saw one on the ground to figure out what I was looking at.

My buddy saw one that was kinda running/hopping across a field (might have either been hurt, or dragging something) and when he first saw it, he said he had to hit the brakes because it looked like a large chimp running... I told him it was probably really a baby bigfoot and he had missed his chance at fame.


Do you guys realise that bald eagle's are not much different than some vulture's in the eating habits. Always open for and easy meal. They will eat died animals just as quick as a live animal.