Eagle Comanche II-a


New member
Does anyone know about this? Is it similar to the Llama model that I've seen reviews of? Is it double action?

My understanding is that it's a cheap ugly piece of junk, but I want it as a novelty. I want something that is about as far from my ruger Blackhawk as possible. It needs to be safe of course, very cheap, and something to laugh about once a month at the gun range. I'm told it can be purchased for around 180 so it's not a huge investment.



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New member
That seems interesting. I did a google search and saw a Rexio Comanche that is just like the Eagle Comanche single shot.

The revolver must be either new or terribly unpopular because other than a few generic price mentions I can't find any info on them.


New member
Apparently it's made in Argentina. The Argies know how to make good guns. The Bersa and the FM Hi-Power I've owned were both well made. They also made Mauser rifles and I'm sure a lot of stuff I forget right now. They made 1911's under license from Colt now that I think about it.

I doubt it's any worse than a Taurus or Rossi. And I don't think either of those as "junk".

I don't know what they cost, but they must be less than a S&W or Ruger, or you wouldn't be asking about them, you'd be buying a S&W or a Ruger. Check them out carefully in person before you buy. Use the same standards you'd use for a used gun.

I'm sure others will come along and tell you to buy a Smith & Wesson or a Ruger...etc., etc.m but you already know that. I doubt it will break you if you want to try it.


New member
I'm not sure of the cost either. I thought they retailed for around 200 but the name Comanche brings up at least three different designs. One is a Llama and one is an Eagle copy of the Llama. That's why I wondered if this one was also a Llama design.

Seems that it isn't but after that no one seems to carry them. Usually I can fall back to GalleryofGuns to at least get pricing ideas but they only have the one shot Comanche.


New member
I got an Argentinian Comanche single shot 22magnum for $100. It has a horrible trigger and I had to polish the chamber because it was so tight that the empty brass wouldn't eject. It was a bad deal even for $100.


New member
I finally heard back from Eagle. It's a 2016 model that must have just gone live on their website. No wonder no one has them. Apparently they don't have any in the US to sell much less have them in retailers.