Eagle 597 30-rounders did not work for me


New member
Hi all,

A month and a half ago, Eagle announced that their long-awaited 30-round mag for the Remington 597 was ready for prime-time. (They'd had it up on the website for some time, but said that they wanted to get everything right before they shipped it out.)

I ordered two. They arrived in a bit over three weeks. I took them to the range yesterday. Alas, they did not work for me.

The translucent plastic 30-rounders are single-stacks, so they're pretty long. They looked good and they loaded fine. The mags were a mighty tight fit in the 597's magwell.

I chambered the first round, and fired. The case ejected properly, but the second round nosed up at about a 45° angle and jammed. I manually extracted it and chambered the next round. Same story. And again. And again. And again.

I unloaded the remaining rounds and fired them through my factory 10-rounder without incident. I then turned to the second Eagle mag.

This one fired fifteen rounds in a row, but then it started the same nonsense the other mag had been doing.

I was careful not to touch the mags as they hung from the magwell, so it wasn't my interference that caused this.

I called Eagle this a.m. and explained the problem. They said, "Oh, you got two of the old-style mags. Send them back and we'll replace them." A second or so after I got off the phone, I decided that I didn't want to be part of the beta-test group any longer, and that I just wanted a refund. I called back and spoke to another person. She let on that the "second gen" mags weren't quite ready yet, and told me to send my mags back and note that I wanted a refund.

I sent the mags back today, on my dime. I asked that Eagle refund the purchase price and shipping.


New member
Mine had better freaking work or im gonna be all kinds of P.O.ed i paid for conversion on the dollar shipping to Canada and now i have to pay a tarrif on it. If that doesnt work im gonna go buy a 10/22 to modify and leave the 597 stock.