EAA Witness Stock 10mm Pictures


Active member
For those of you who are interested in 10mm's, I took some pictures of my EAA Stock which I will post here for you to check out:







New member

Very nice. I'm looking to buy a Elite Match soon. I wish i could afford the "stock" but it's a notch too spendy for me.

I've got an XDm-40 and want to add a 10mm to my collection. I reload so I can use the same dies and bullets.

How's the recoil on a 10mm compared to the .40?


New member
Beautiful gun!

One or two more CZ's for me then I'll probably look at picking up a Witness Elite Stock in 10mm.

Thanks for the pictures!


Active member
It's hard for me to say how the 10mm recoil is compared to a .40. I mostly shoot 9mm, and when I'm shooting my EAA 10mm, I'll alternate between shooting that and my Glock 17.

I shot the EAA 10mm a couple of weeks ago. I was shooting factory jacketed target loads (can't remember mfg off top of my head). Recoil was not at all objectionable - felt recoil really wasn't much more than that of my Glock 17. Targets were placed at about 75 feet. It is a very accurate gun, and very easy to keep on target, even when rappid firing. I was far more accurate with the EAA 10mm than with my Glock 17. For some reason, I've just never been very accurate with my Glock beyond about 30 - 50 feet - probably just too light.

The report from the 10mm was very loud. I forgot to slip my shooting muffs over my ears before the 1st shot and I'd have a problem shooting that gun with no hearing protection - which was a bit of a concern, since I was thinking of using it for home protection.

I'd say that felt recoil was about the same as shooting .45 from a good full sized 1911.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
The report from the 10mm was very loud. I forgot to slip my shooting muffs over my ears before the 1st shot and I'd have a problem shooting that gun with no hearing protection - which was a bit of a concern, since I was thinking of using it for home protection.

There's not a gun in the world that will be pleasant to shoot indoors without protection. I've heard a Remington 22 rifle inside a house... it's bad. Anything powerful enough for HD is going to leave you saying "Well, I'm deaf but I ain't dead."


Active member
Oh no, this wasn't at an indoor range - I was at an outdoor range. It was loud! But, you make an excelent point.


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I'd love for some one to show some pictures of he Smith and Wesson 10mm for comparison....or any other 10mm for that matter.


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Webleymkv, is there any possiblity that you have a picture of the frame with slide and barrel off, that shows the internals? And, of the barrel?


New member
You guys are killing me... Can't get my new toy until the next round of overtime hits next month. Even then it's an uphill battle with the wife (she's an accountant which doesn't always help me spend money!). She's not a big gun fanatic like I am.

I want to get the gun and then order a Wolff spring. I plan on loading it hotter than factory ammo. I'm looking for magnum level power. I want a black bear stopper. Haha.. Thats one excuse! I love magnum revolvers and some day will own another but right now my money is going into another auto.

I just got my CCW in the mail last week so no more wait.