EAA Windicator Report

Tropical Z

New member
Good report
I have a 2" and 4" both in .357 mag and agree that they are great revolvers-especially for the price.I don't think the triggers are as heavy as you do,but i also don't have a trigger measuring tool.Thanx :)

Alabaster Jones

New member
Good to know. I considered buying one a year or so ago, but was concerned about the quality, so I bought an SP101. EAA seems to have good bang for the buck across the board in my opinion. Love their Saiga shotguns, and my Tanfoglio runs like a champ.


New member
Did have another weird problem (well, not a problem in my book..), you can pull the trigger now with the cylinder out! The good thing is, if the cylinder isn't fully engaged it will not rotate so you can't cock the gun at that point.

This may have been due to manually pushing in the cylinder release so I could cycle it with the cylinder out..I didn't hold the cylinder release during the complete cycle so I suspect something popped 'off track'.

anybody every detail strip one of these? I have a feeling I'll have to punch out the two pins..so it may not be worth it.

Tropical Z

New member
When i got mine,i took off the grips brushed them with mineral spirits and then sprayed Rem Oil everywhere.Thats as far as i've broken them down and i do this to every new gun just to check for burrs and stuff.


New member
I figure after I've shot 200rds or so through it, I'll flush it with Ed's Red, let it dry and use some dry lube (graphite or somesuch) on the internals... Probably good enough ;-)