EAA phone numbers.


New member
In case you want to contact them about something here are their numbers.




New member
Thanks for the info.

Mine's two weeks and about 350 rounds old with no problems. Sure hope I won't need the phone numbers for a while!


New member
If you need the phone numbers...


In my research prior to and following after my purchase of my Tan Witness, it was pretty much a consensus, that Sharon Bell is the best contact at EAA. Least amount of fuss, polite and courteous, with no condescending attitude or gruff manner. In other words, the epitome of customer service. All other contacts varied in degree.

This was arrived at after conversing with over 50 different sources, face to face and internet based. This includes personal conversations with both shop owners, fellow IDPA competitors and just other fellow shooters.

Good luck with your Witness and here's hoping you never require to use any service from EAA. For some it's smooth sailing; for others it's been rough seas(with the bilges flodded and the pumps down).

Shoot safe, shoot well!


New member

I followed your posts concerning your 10 mm Witness problems but never learned the final outcome.
I believe the last I knew, you had decided to keep the pistol. If so, does it function properly?



New member
The final.....


Yes I kept the pistol. However, I do not know if the last work performed on said pistol retained the corrected operational abnormalities. I say this as I have not fired the pistol since it was returned with the items that are damaged. I do this so that it remains in the condition as existed when received by me from EAA, following their last "service" performed.

Some would think this "anal" of me, but a few people that have listened to the events involved were a little skeptical of it all... until they actually examined the accured documentation and what was sent back to me by EAA the last time.

Regarding the "final outcome", that may be know in time....

As before, enjoy your Tan Witness and shoot safe and well!