Duty Wheelguns, Who carries them?


New member
Do any departments out their still carry revolvers for for duty? You always hear about depts. switching to autos, but never who still carries the revolver.


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If this counts for anything, my department policy allows only J frames for backup weapons. So I carry one.


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One of the local departments issues Glock 22 to their full time officers. The part time officers carry their own personal firearms. They have to qualify with them and they must meet the dept. armorer's criteria for a duty gun. I know one officer who normally carries a S&W auto. He has had trouble with it going auto on him and has sent it back to S&W twice and to a local 'smith as well as the dept. armorer. None of them can find anything wrong with it, so he carries his Colt Python.
The police chief in the village where I live carries a S&W revolver on duty.
Lots of local private security company officers carry revolvers. Usually S&W K-frame .38's.
Neil Casper

juliet charley

New member
The city where I lived (100,000 +) switched to Sigs of at least .40 calibre Sig but grandfathered current officers about four years ago (before that they were "big boys" and could pick their own so long as it was a DA revolver or auto). There are still very many S&Ws .357s carried (mostly K-frames, but a few L-frames and at least one N-frame).

What I found more interesting was not the large numbers who hung onto to their revolvers, but the large number who had previously carried P220s who switched to P229s.


Well, I am not an LEO, but my brother is. He works for Indian Head Park, IL. He carries a S&W Model 29 loaded with 38spl+p+. One day at the range, another cop started a fight with him about using a "whimpy" revolver. The rangemaster came over and commented that all 6 of my brother's shots were on target. Where are yours? :)


Either he is very clever or the model number is wrong. I live over 1500 miles from him so it's hard to inspect his weapon.


New member
At the state (California) prison near here, the guards all pack S&W 686's loaded with .357magnum.


New member
I've noticed that a few of the police officers in the town that I live in (right outside of Cleveland, Ohio) carry revolvers as well as the security/police at the hospital that I work at. On two separate occasions, once when witnessing a drunk driver plow into a few cars and when some misguided youth decided he would help himself to a few of my belongings, I had to give statements and was able to observe the duty weapon of a few of the officers. I guess revolvers still work for both these forces.


New member

I lived just outside of Cleveland most of my life. Elyria for most, and Rocky River for a few years before escaping. I think some of the Cleveland cops still carry revolvers, at least the older guys. I noticed that all the hip young guys carried autos. Not sure about Elyria, though.


New member
Cops in Phildelphia switched to Glock 17s many years ago, but occasionally you still see a cop with a S&W model 10.


New member
I recently switched careers, going from a therapist to Probation/Parole officer in Northern Va. In my district they allow PO's to carry. I was surpised to learn that not all states allow PO's to carry. Here in N.Va, it up to the district chief. But, back to your question. N. VA Po's are ONLY ALLOWED to carry Dept. issued Model 64 S&W 38 Specials.
We are ONLY allowed to use Dept issued 158 LRN in the weapon. We are ONLY allowed one speed loader with the weapon while on duty.