During the VA Tech shooting I was....


New member
Crying a little.......

I had to go with my wife to a cardiologist to hear how serious her heart condition might be.... She's going to be OK,, thank God...

But in the mean time, we were listening for a second heartbeat......

She's 11 weeks 5 days pregnant......

I was looking at this when the news came on about the VA Tech tragedy,, and trying to decide if I should be buying a pink Cricket .22 or a black one....

Guys,, I just had to get this off my chest...

All of those people killed yesterday were really just kids... Like mine...

I wanted to post this in some thinly vieled ""firearms related"" thread for all my buddys here to see... But you know what,,, ??

I don't care if this gets locked right off the bat.......... Look at this...

Those kids all used to look just like this once apon a time....

And my heart goes out to all of their parents...

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New member
Sure...make a bunch of armchair commandoes cry:(

Congrats ( my prayers are already with the families of the slain)


New member
Congrats on the new additon to the family. I'm happy for ya.

When the shooting happend, I was in my office, reading up on some division policies in our handbook, and listening to conservative talk radio.

But... before you get all emotional... Remember this. EVERYONE was once a baby in the womb. Everyone you see. Doctors, lawyers, nurses, soldiers, Even every serial rapist and murderer and drug dealer there ever was. Osama Binladen and Saddam Hussien were both once babies too. Are baby's special? In their own way, yes. But its not a unique condition.


New member
Congrats Bennnn. As I told you before your life will change, but most definitely in a good way. I've been eyeing those cricket rifles here lately too. My little girl turns seven in a few months and I think a pink one is in order. :D