duracells are rechargable

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New member
just for the heck of it i threw some drained down duracells into my charger and juiced them for around 8 hours and they are really strong now. dont know how long theyll last or how many charges regular plain jane alkalines will take. anyone done any experiementation?

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Have you loaded them yet, drawn a current, i.e., put them in service? Or did you just measure them with a meter?

You can let some types of "dead" batteries sit for a few minutes and a meter will show full voltage. What is gone is it's ability to pass current. After your charging, you may get some use out of them, but the time it takes to recharge for the short time under load isn't worth it. It's been tried. sometimes it's just a few seconds. The best possible scenario for this is where you may need a battery for extended use with verrrrrry low current drain. The thing is a fresh battery will last soooo much longer. Let us know how it goes.


New member
i used them in my digi cam, a notorious battery eater and theyve snapped off 5 shots so far with an ultra quick flash charge.


New member
You may be right, but often just taking dead batteries out of a device and warming them by rubbing in your hands will get just a little more life out of them. The heat speeds up the chemical reaction in the batteries. I suspect that placing them in the charger just warmed them up a little. Keep us posted on how much longer they work.
Sorry, this isn't the Rabbit with a Battery Backup board, it's a firearms board, and as stated in the forum rules, all posts must be firearms related.
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