Durable vs. Parts Availability

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New member
This may unintentionally read like a SHTF thread; but I'm more concerned about an Obama-fueled semi-auto ban and more anti-RKBA government actions in the near future....

I'm planning to invest some of my meager funds into buying a few semi-auto firearms (esp. 9mm pistols). Since I don't have a lot to spend, I'm wondering if I should focus more on buying firearms that are extremely durable & require little care (i.e. Ruger, CZ, AK-series) but future parts availability could be a problem; or firearms that, while nearly as durable, have easier to find parts---even if some "creativity" may need to be used (Beretta 92, Glock, AR-series)?

What would you consider the "best buy"?

(...and yes, I know I've posted this question on another forum...I want their viewpoints, too...)

Thanks in advance....
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