Dunk-kits from cylinder-slide.com


New member
Has anyone used this type of cleaning? It's called the Dunk-kit. They claim that it drys itself. If it actually works well, this would be a great way to clean your weapons.
Go to www.cylinder-slide.com and check it out. I am kind of skeptical!
The website doesn't provide a lot of info into the chemicals used. If anyone knows anything about this I would like to hear it.:cool:


New member
Dunk-kits from cylinder-slide.com?

Yes I have used it but, that was 8 or 10 years ago. It worked/works very well on metal. Take the grips off and ask Glock if it will damage "polimer #2.

I now mix my owne "Ed's Red" and dunk my handguns in it. Equal parts of VARSOL; K-1 KEROSENE and DEXTRON 2 OR 3.

Joe Demko

New member
A gunsmith friend of mine uses this stuff. He says it removes the same kind of crud you might hose away with gunscrubber. Bores and cylinders still require scrubbing with a rod and patches.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
On a bigger scale, it is THE WAY to clean M249s at Ft Benning.
We had a 55 Gallon Drum that was cut in 1/2 and filled will solvent.