Duh, Lubricant really helps a gun cycle....


New member
I bought a used Beretta 21a 10+ years ago and have never liked it because it didn't cycle well and was totally unreliable as a result. Well, today I was digging around in my safe and came across it again. I took it out, really scrubbed it good and then lightly lubed with gun butter. We went to our range/land today and to my surprise, it cycled 100% and was actually a fun little gun to plink with. Imagine that!, you do need to lubricate a gun for proper functioning.


New member
My buddy was out a few weeks ago and his little .22 would jam every other round. They weren't coming out of the chamber we cleaned it and still nothing. I think he is sending his in for service. I have the .25 auto and never had a problem with mine. Cool little pocket pistols.


New member
Yes Steve, it does help to keep a gun well lubed. But, just so I don't get called on this one, make sure it's "lightly lubed" and not dripping wet.;)


New member
Yeah, guns need a little lube or they won't cycle well, or in some cases, at all.

So, a buddy of mine buys a new Beretta Tomcat. He took it out shooting, brought it home and decided to give it the cleaning of a lifetime. Anyway, he pulls out the Gun Scrubber and gives it a good spraying. He sits the gun down and comes back 10 minutes later to find the grips on the gun melted. Suddenly, he decides to read the directions on the can and notices that it says to avoid spraying on plastics. Duh. Overall, he's ****** but he can always buy new grips...... until, he goes to rack the slide and the slide will hardly move at all. I mean the thing is seized up solid. He is freaking out now and calls me in a panic that he just ruined his gun. We talk through it and figure out that Gun Scubber has removed all oil from the gun and he should re-lube and see if that helps. He uses half a can of Rem-Oil on the sucker, I mean he soaks it, before it starts cycling again like it should.

After replacing the stock grips, and throwing the Gun Scrubber in the trash, his Tomcat, always well lubed now, is back to normal.
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