Duct Tape !


New member
Ok you duct tape aficionados, you’re gonna love this …

My sister is in the Guard. Her house is located in Metarie. Anyway, she got a chance to go check on her house whereupon she found the power had already been restored and NO water had entered the house !

She had sealed all the doors with duct tape before she left.

Disclaimer: details are sketchy and the message was relayed through my mother so I don’t know how high the water got there.
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New member
Another Duct Tape Superhero story ends well... uh-oh, looks like there's more trouble ahead - better call.... *fanfare of trumpets* Duct Tape Man!

Smokey Joe

New member
Duct Tape Man

Carbine Caleb--Good one! :D :D Nice photo!

BTW, does Duct Tape Man have a proper license from the original propounder of Duct Tape as a solution to all of society's ills, Red Green? :D :D


New member

Animal, my wife and I both shouted in triumph when we read your post. We're so happy your sister was able to discover some good news where so many have found tragedy! :)

We also enjoyed the picture post, CarbineCaleb! :D


New member
I talked to her directly last night. Her street did not get flooded so all the duct tape did was keep out the blowing rain. She did say that the power couldn't have been out long because everything in the fridge looked like it was still good... including a pack of shredded lettuce.

Smokey Joe

New member
However it worked, I'm glad.

Animal--Should have said this first; went all crazy with the picture post. For whatever reason, your sister's house was preserved intact, and I'm glad for you and for her. And she's serving our country to boot. These are Good Things.