Duck & Geese loads for defence?


New member
Ok here's the question. I was reading about long range duck and geese loads for hunting. I was wondering just how these heave loads would do as defence rounds? I am talking about the 3 ,3 1/2" loads of #2 steel shot or perhaps the hevi-shot loads?
So has anybody ever tested these for defencive use? Could they actually penatrate better at HD range than buckshot?


New member
Average in the house distances...
Hard to tell the difference.

Either way, puts a driveway through the first target. Differences don't start to appear untill you look at penetration of secondary the wall on the other side of the bad guy.


Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
The Fed database I used to be able to access had all shotguns at 99% or so for one shot stops. This was regardless of gauge, load or choke.

Yes, you can use them. But neither you nor the perp will be able to tell the difference between this and a 28 gauge skeet load of 9s.

Do yourself a favor. Measure the longest possible shot in your house, add a yard for GPs, then pattern a few loads at that distance. Betcha you cannot tell which was which...


New member
A 12 ga. is a 12 ga. at close quarters. The load doesn't matter at all. No need to buy different ammo for defense. Use whatever is available!!


New member
I guess I am wasting my money, because I use 00 Buckshot. Penetration is a concern for me. I WANT penetration.

I have seen the results of birdshot on a human target. I have not been impressed. But then again, I am not impressed with the .22 LR for defense either. Both (birdshot & 22LR) may kill. Both may stop. However, they would not be my first choice.

The only reason why I would choose birdshot for defense is to limit penetration for use in densely populated housing such as apartments, etc. I don't have that problem where I live.
No doubt that if your home is being attacked by ducks and geese, then you want to have duck and geese loads to handle the job.

As noted and especially at home defense ranges, shot size is not going to be much of a concern. Bird - buckshot, a well landed shot is going to do horrific damage to a 2 legged intruder.


New member

So if your home is being invaded by deer you use BUCKshot?

And if the theives are real turkeys you should use a good 2 ounce turkey load?



New member

Just how well will the newer duck & geese loads really do in a SD situtation? I am talking about a 3" or 3 1/2" steel shot oad of #2's
or the new Helvi-shot which is susposed to be even heaver than lead. Has anybody actually tested these loads for actual penatration on people sized targets? Would they be better or worse than buckshot? I can always buy buckshot or even the economy loads (by the hundred) at wal-mart if I want/need to. But would these steel shot loads actually do better? Has anybody ever made steel buckshot?

bb gun

New member
This reminds me of something somebody said to me 25 years ago about a 30-30. This guy said a 30-30 was a wimp gun that had no power and was useless as a deer rifle.This went on for awhile. I said"Your about 200 lbs.which is lots bigger than most whitetails.Why don't you run out there about 100 yds.and I'll pop one in your fat butt and then you can tell me how woosey a 30-30 is".I said this jokingly of course and it was taken that way but he got my point. Buy a box of Remington Express 2 3/4in. #5 shot and go to sleep.

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
At the longest possible distance in Casa McC, the load will hit still in the wad. A 73 caliber Glaser Safety Slug, as it were. Whether an oz or so of lead's in little bitty pellets or big ones is moot until it exits the wad. Of course, YMMV.

Don Zutz wrote that open chokes meant the wad left the bbl with the shot, and the shot string was shorter at the start than with a tight choke. At about 10 yards, it turns around.

At San Quentin Prison in Ca, the rollers developed a pelvic shot with the issue 8 shot delivered to the hip bone at close range. Very close to a guaranteed stopper.

The Q is the only prison in North America where guns are regularly carried inside. Gun walks are elevated, and guards patrol in pairs. One's armed with a carbine, one with an 870 w/ 8 shot.

First up in the HD 870 is bird shot, backed up with 00 in case I have to shoot through my refrigerator. Again, YMMV.