Duck Dynasty's Willie Robertson on ballot, NRA Board of Directors


New member
I see where Duck Dynasty's CEO, Willie Robertson is on the ballot for NRA Board of Directors. Like seeing new faces fighting for 2nd Amendment....he might be a good addition to the board.



New member
HEY! That's a fact jack!

Haha love that show.

Willie seems like an intelligent person that can relate to people. As an NRA member I support it.

wooly booger

The image he and the rest of the family portrays is purely entertainment. I was amazed at reading their bios. Phil (the dad and company founder) played college football in LA and has a masters in education. He was in front of Terry Bradshaw at LA Tech, Bradshaw has said the guy could have made it in the NFL if he concentrated on Football and not hunting.

Willie has a biz degree from Harding University

I think he would make a good addition to the NRA board, even as good as uncle Ted
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New member
I dunno, 2ndsojourn, while they are hardly different from the OFWG stereotype people love to portray the NRA as, these guys have a multi-million corporation that sells products in use in several countries. (saw one of there goose calls for sale in Canada years ago, before the show was on)

Also, redneck as they may be, they aren't white supremacist anti-government nutjobs niether.

I've never seen them have poor gunhandling on the show, and the show does promote family values, being invovled in your communit, and respect for the outdoors.


New member
I agree whole heartedly Wooly Booger ! The show is widely popular and has a has a good deal of clean, family comedy. These guys are in no way blithering rednecks though. I think Willie would be a good fit. It's for certain that he has a good business sense. He has my vote.
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New member
This is a bit of a double edged sword but I think the positives would outweigh the negatives. Having a very public face(he has a TV show!) is a plus. The NRA really needs more people who can reach out to the "general" public and rip to shreads the lies the anti gunners peddle as fact.

Spats McGee

The Little McGee loves Duck Dynasty, so we see quite a bit of it at our hosue. Willie comes across as relatively articulate, bright and fairly responsible. While somewhat redneck (not necessarily an insult in my part of the country, just a descriptor), he's a good businessman, runs a successful company that appears to contribute to the community. Every show ends with a short "moral of the story" that invariably revolves around the importance of community, family and values.

We could do worse. I'd be more worried if it were Uncle Si on the ballot.


New member
We could do worse. I'd be more worried if it were Uncle Si on the ballot.

I think we would be hearing a lot about what happened back in 'Nam if that happen, N A M 'Nam. Though I think the NRA's new slogan would be "Anti Gunners it's on like donkey kong!"

I agree with you though, I like how the show always ends with the family gathered around the table, some sort of moral lesson and a general theme of its good to come together.


Sy for President...

Not just the USA but the entire world! :D


Robertson's okay. Remember that "unscripted" or "reality" TV is all fake or staged. Don't get your knickers in a twist over it.

I'd vote for big Boss Hog Robertson. ;)

PS; all this TFL NRA board talk reminds me of a few lines from Escape From New York (1981, ) .
Lee Van Cleef; "You're going in to rescue the President."
Snake(Kurt Russell); "President of what?"...


New member
Robertson's okay. Remember that "unscripted" or "reality" TV is all fake or staged. Don't get your knickers in a twist over it


Reality TV is anything but. Shows like Duck Dynasty follow scripts, and while the people may be real, the situations and the dialog rarely are. You can't judge the Robertsons based soley on the TV show. The Robertsons are big time hunters for sure, and I believe they have shows on one or two of the outdoor networks as well. That's all well and good, but I would certainly like to know if Willie is a true supporter of the 2nd Amendment and not just another fudd who is willing to cave on gun legislation as long as it doesn't affect shotguns and hunting rifles.

While I don't believe he has made any commitments yet, Larry Vickers has mentioned that he is considering putting his name on the ballot as well. Personally, I think he would be the perfect candidate considering the most recent events, and I would much rather see him appearing on various news talk shows instead of Wayne LaPierre.


New member
Willie's dad, Phil, is an ardent supporter of the 2nd Amendment.

I believe at one point he stated that he had more guns that days in a year. Also, he has been shown on the show shooting at beavers with an AR-15 of some sort, with two 30 rounders taped together jungle style. :eek:

You'd think Si would have called him on that, Jack.


Phil Robertson...

Ole Phil has a colorful past, ;).
He was a LSU QB for the football team(with future NFL HoFer Terry Bradshaw as a back-up QB). He told Terry Bradshaw; "you make the bucks, I'll hunt the ducks." :D
He was a real rascal for years & smoked weed, drank & partied a lot too.
His own sons said they were scared of him until they were around 30.
Robertson doesn't bathe, change clothes or wear after-shave/deodorant during hunting season either. That would be hard to sit thru in a NRA board meeting, :D.

FWIW, Phil Robertson did find the Lord, got right & became a solid citizen.
I like A&E's Duck Dynasty. It's funny & harmless. The cable show's TV ratings are high too.


wooly booger

He was a LSU QB for the football team(with future NFL HoFer Terry Bradshaw as a back-up QB).

please see my post above

He and Bradshaw both played for Louisiana Tech. Most people never even heard of it before Bradshaw.