DS Vet Lost 92S in fire... Please Help!


New member
I am a Desert Shield/Storm vet with action in early Shield. I recently lost all my war collection to fire (including my 92S). I am looking for a military issue S in any year before or just after Desert Shield (Dec 1990). If anyone has one, I would certainly make a generous offer for it!

Dave Miniard
251 767-4700


New member
I'm so sorry to hear about this, I hope everyone is ok and that only your equipment was lost and no lives. I don't have the weapon your looking for but just wanted to pass on well wishes.


New member
Thank You!

Thanks for the kind words and your concern. Only lost the structure/contents (and pride), but no injuries.

Thanks Again,


New member

I'm very sorry for your loss. I hope you're able to find an appropriate replacement.

Thank you for your service to our country and best of luck.