Dry Firing Ruger P95


New member
My son has bought a new Ruger P95. We wonder if it's safe to dry fire the gun the hundreds or thousands of times it would take for him to become trigger-proficient with it.

Will it break easily?

Clayton Hufford

New member
Your P95 can be dry fired all you want without damage. I've dry fired mine at least a million times over the years, and it only gets smoother. I've fired over 25,000 rounds through my P95 without a single malfunction, and with no parts replacement. Acurracy has remained the same as when new.


New member
Thanks for the replies, guys.

George Hill....not sure if you're being helpful or elitist.

Were you ever 23 and a little short on green?

Point Blank

New member
Think George was trying to say be VERY careful to make sure there is no bullets in there.Accidental discharges happen to the best of us.I own two P95's and wasnt "short on funds"when i bought mine.They are mighty fine pistols!!!Keep reading,and look at some of the backpost...Some people rate them second,third,etc. on the BEST 9mm out there!!!They were also(correct me someone)1999?? best buy in 9mm.Mine both have Hough handalls on them($9)which greatly improves the grips.Have fun.


New member
Point Blank...yeah, this is a "mighty fine" pistol. Bucks were the best he (son) could do, but good price is just another good part of a VERY good package.

I shot it the other night, along with my Glock 30. Some groups the Ruger and I put out were better than what I did with the Glock.....had to hide the targets from Gaston, who is insanely jealous and outrageously overly sensitive. :D

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
No, I ment that I would fire it. Period.
I'm not an Elitist when it comes to guns... Yes I like the more spendy ones - but I also like some of the cheap guns.
I like the Spanish guns, and some of the Eastern European offerings.
The P95, I've seen break upon firing the first live round in it. I saw it REPLACED with another gun of the same model and after the 8th round in the FIRST MAGAZINE this one ever fired - It too broke. Safety lever broke and fell off.
Ruger Autos are just off my list.
For the same money you can look at other options that are much better.
When I was 23 I had a TZ-75 9mm that cost me all of 200 bucks. 3 mags and night sights. Not bad. Much better than any Ruger 9mm.

Point Blank

New member
Well Zan,be assured now that even though there are many more people in this forum that like the P95, they are too timid to reassure you now that one of the "administrators"aka George,has spoken against them.Again,they are the best bang for your buck,and will outshoot many of the "status quo"handguns out there.BTW....saftey lever on a P95????? After firing first shot,the Ruger "broke"???Hmmmmmm.........

Walt Sherrill

New member
George wrote:

When I was 23 I had a TZ-75 9mm that cost me all of 200 bucks. 3 mags and night sights. Not bad. Much better than any Ruger 9mm.

Okay, George -- what would that be in today's dollars? $1500? <grin>

Personally, I think the CZ-75B is a better value for the money, but the P-95s I've had (1), shot (4), or seen shot (++?) have been pretty good guns.

That sounds more like a S&W semi-auto than a Ruger. I NEVER have had any parts break on my Ruger semi-autos. The S&W semi-autos I use to own OTOH, broke often, had poor reliability and poor trigger. Perhaps you got a lemon? I have shot several Ruger semi-autos and I have not yet seen one break. In fact, my Ruger P97 outshoots my more expensive guns...such as Sigs and Glocks.


Moderator Emeritus
I've owned a few Ruger autos and fired dozens of them. Their reliability was good, although in my experience they've been a bit more ammo sensitive than your SIG/Glock/Beretta types (though much better than their price tag would suggest). I've never had one break on me, or seen one do so, although the castings on the trigger and safety levers and other small parts are kinda chinchy. Their main downfall in my book is their size and weight. Great holster/range guns, but a little bulky for CCW.


New member
I haven't had any problems with my P89DC. They are a bit bulky for CCW. The gun is accurate, reliable, economical, and I like it's looks too. I consider it to be a keeper.



New member
Have two of them, both are awesome!!! You would probably have to pack it with C4 and light the fuse to damage the Ruger P95.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
It was a Ruger that an associate insisted on buying.
To these mentioned events - there are witnesses. We advised the fellow to purchase different... He went Ruger, and went through 3 guns. The third he traded in on a S&W .357 Magnum revolver. Oh - with out firing it.
I think it was a P95. Poly frame, slide mounted safety and a decocker if I remember right. If it wasnt a P95 it was another Ruger auto of similar type.

Being accused of lying is something I really dont appreciate. Where this 200 years ago - Someone would get a glove across the face. Being the 90's and we are all most enlightened... I suggest it is just rather foolish to make such accusations against some one who you do not know. It's very childish to reafirm your opinions on something by accusing people who have had a different experience as liar.

Now, if you just disagree with me - thats fine. Some of the finest people from around the world and TFL senior members disagree with me on a constant basis. Regardless, I feel we still have a mutual respect of each other.

I don't know who accused you of lying, but I want to make sure you know it was NOT me. I simply said "maybe you got a lemon".

[Edited by Quantum Singularity on 01-08-2001 at 12:53 PM]

Point Blank

New member
Meet me in the town square at high noon then,i'll be a totin my P95.Guess you will be a swingin a CZ??? HAHAHAHAHAHA...Just kiddin,if i called you a liar i am sorry.If your son doesnt like it sell it and try something else.


New member
I have had a Ruger :eek: KP95DC for years. In fact it was my first 9mm. I have dry fired it well over a thousand times. Guess what??? Every time I load the little beast up with live ammo, it fires. Imagine that!!!! :rolleyes: In fact, that Ruger :eek: probably is the most accurate pistol I own. :cool: No lemons here!!!:p


New member
George, put me down as disagreeing. I own a few handguns and can afford most anyone I want (within reason). Not that I am rich, but I have a decent job and have been divorced for a few years. I own 12 Ruger firearms. I couldn't honestly say that anyone of them was a favorite of mine, but every single one of them is built like a tank. They all possess more than adequate accuracy, and some of them even look good. I have never had the slightest problem with any one of them. I do own a P-89 and just like the rest of my Rugers it isn't the most accurate 9mm I own. But it may be the most reliable and I am sure it is the stongest. zanthope: Tell your son to enjoy his Ruger, he won't do better by buying the latest thing on a magazine cover. Don't be a follower. If you shoot enough different guns, read enough gun magazines, and engage in enough gun conversations you will realize that about 75% of what you hear is BS. It sound like you proved to yourself that the Ruger is a fine piece of equipment, don't let anyone else talk you out of that reality.