Drones + Firearms

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New member
I wrote a response to a thread in another sub-forum which was closed because it was a drive by, totally understandable

So I'll keep this short. A young man was reported in the news for attaching a firearm to a drone, which could fire on command.

It's sensationalist, but i don't think it's going to open a new wave of crime. Because:

Limitations: You would need to upgrade/calibrate the motors or software to handle the new weight and its distribution. Drones aren't macho, can't ruffle through an uncooperative victim's pockets/grab a purse, and are relatively fragile. Weight would limit the damage that could be done.

Appeal: A stolen pistol would likely be more appealing to a gang member than having a remote with antenna sticking out. "Gimme that pocket protector!"

Aiming: is rudimentary. Aim by steering. Why hasn't remote control car shootings gone through the roof?

Anonymity: the neighbors will know who's been playing with a robot. And a flying drone wis much more likely to be spotted than a truly sneaky individual seeking to leave a dangerous device around.

In short, it's for hobbyists. And a disturbed misguided individual seeking to do harm will do it one way or another. I expect there to be some restrictions placed at the first sign of a high profile crime committed with a drone as folks will want to blame the tool/technology.


New member
I sure wish they didnt do that because now it gives the politicos more reason to regulate drones. Seems like they are pushing for it. I own a DJI Phantom and to me its nothing more than a toy for entertainment. It can fly for 20 minutes and its a toy helicopter. I just want to be free to play with my toys.


New member
I found it interesting too. Here's the link to the story.

The video shows a small drone carrying a pistol and the pistol firing a few times so the technology is there.

The obvious problem is somebody loads it up, sends it down the street and shoots up somebody's house or car or even a crowd.

Again the obvious problem is if the person is willing to abandon drone/gun it could be difficult to find them. Also this type of thing might appeal to the deranged folk that are already causing problems.

The 'hoorah', that is, the media storm that will take place will be all out of proportion to how much of a problem this really is if an incident ever occurs.

More likely to be a wide spread problem is folk using drones with cameras to become high tech peeping toms.

Might have to invest in some skeet loads for the old 12 gauge.:D


New member
There is a certain level of knowledge and a big budget to get the drone to fire the pistol. Im guessing 5 grand at the least. Also you need to really know the technology behind it. If you wanted to cause trouble or just shoot up the place doing it with a drone is NOT the most efficent way. In any event, the vast majority of people could not build this type of drone or have the money to do so.


New member
I am amazed that this made such a huge fuss by the media. Who cares? How does this make the world anymore dangerous, you can just as easily shoot an AR from a distance as far or even farther than the distance you can fly a drone from your radio control. Non issue for antis to rally around. Scare tactics
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