Dream pistol malfunctions?

What goes wrong in your dreams?

  • Mag loaded backwards/wrong

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • Can't rack slide

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • Won't go into battery

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • Can't find gun

    Votes: 8 36.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
Like when you can't throw a good punch, do you have pistol malfunctions in your dreams? Share your subconscious oddities :)


New member
Interestingly I may spend time daydreaming about guns, but cannot remember having an actual dream about them.


New member
I forgot to add that option. That happens to me too. My bullets are so slow I have to aim upward just so the spitballs harmlessly hit the bad guy :)

Tucker 1371

New member
Had two dreams that disturbed the heck outta me when I was on my work up to go to the 'stan. One was someone breaking into my house and when I flipped the safety on my 1911 off and tried to pull the trigger it wouldn't pull. The same thing happened in another dream a week later except I was breaching a door to clear a house in Afghanistan, flipped off the safety but the trigger wouldn't pull. Never had another one but the fact that the same dream recurred scared the bejeezes outta me.


New member
I'm OP but I didn't post my own :)

Usually it's the magazine. Like several different calibers in the mag, some backwards, some other stuff like wood, batteries, etc. Hence the slide won't rack. Then sometimes when I DO shoot, yeah, it's like Cheeto balls having no effect :)


New member
Only one I ever had was when it was the end of the world, and some dingbat was wasting my bullets. I called him on it, he drew on me, I fired, and out came a wimpy bullet that went a good foot or two two then dropped.


New member
Years ago, I had the anemic phutt phutt phutt, and the bullets naturally were ineffective. Now, it seems I always hit what I aim at and the BGs go down.

But there's still that phutt phutt phutt, even though I'm not using a suppressor.:confused:


New member
For some reason if I dream of a DAO or DA/SA pistol there's always problem, I can feel the spring tension on the trigger as I pull it but the pistol never fires, the trigger just hits the grip. Oddly enough this doesn't happen when I dream of single action pistols like Hi-powers or 1911's, they always seem to work fine....weird.