DRC Custom - Shorten Mini-14 barrel to improve accuracy?


New member
DRC Custom claims that the last 2" of the barrel on a Mini-14 causes most of the accuracy problems. This is due to a sloppy bore diameter in most barrels and to reduce barrel whip.

Has anyone sent their gun to them to have the barrel cut back? How did it work?


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
The only way to prove "sloppy bore" is with the special gauging equipment, or have some way to measure the force required to push a lead slug through the bore. (Varying force, inch by inch, means non-uniform bore diameter.)

We do know as fact that a shorter tube is stiffer than a long tube. Shortening the barrel might make the vibrations more uniform. And, if any "bad bore" is out near the muzzle, it would of course be removed.



New member
Ruger Minis

A few years back I saw an article about accurizing the minis. Unfortunately when they were done all they had original was the receiver. Not a project I want to attempt besides the fact that it would be financially out of the question.:(

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
If all you do is cut off the barrel behind the front sight (assuming it's still over 16"), it wouldn't be particularly expensive. If the rifle is to then be scoped, the front sight is no longer an issue as to replacing...

:), Art


New member
taking off the front sight would render the gun useless for combat purposes. I would not bet my life that optics will survive a rough enviroment. Rifles that one intends to take into harm's way, should always have at least, back up iron sights.

I like my Mini as it is. If I want a tack driver, I will bring out the Colt HBAR.

Jamie Young

New member
Dave- Have you ever tried Match ammo out of your gun? I believe one of your Mini's is exactly the same as mine. I can get 1 MOA With my Sierra 69gr hpbt.