Dr.Laura learns to shoot


New member
I only caught part of the syndicated talk show today, but apparently Dr. Laura Schlessinger(sp?) got her first shooting lesson this AM from 2 LEOs on a formal range. The comments were favorable. She liked the 'automatic', thought the recoil of the revolver a little scary, and evidently shot pretty well. She is scheduled for more lessons and has to take a 'test' of some sort. She has slowly switched sides on this issue and is apparently joining our ranks. We can only hope for more positive exposure in this and other media outlets.


New member
If she is actually out shooting, we should see quite a turnaround in her very shortly. Not just part of the way.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.


New member
Now if she'd just get her head out of her a** regarding censorship...

"There are obviously lots and lots of reasons why our society - once so revered and respected around the world - is unraveling and degenerating. But one of them is the unbridled licence of communication on the Internet. I hear from so many people about the shock and despair the Internet has brought into their homes.

"The Internet is the most recent and most powerful tool to be commandeered by the sick evildoers in our midst. It spreads the virus of hate and germs of pathology like wildfire around the world, infecting more and more people, especially our neglected and vulnerable youth. Many of the most recent horrendous crimes have been committed by jerks, scum, low-lifes and dim bulbs who hang around the Internet because they have no life, fantasize about becoming heroes through hate, and are emboldened to act out by others in cyberspace who support them.

-- Dr. Laura http://www.vetothegovernor.org/~govdavis/drlaura_19990919.html


New member
Bystander, we can only hope!!!!

This brother is free. I'll be what I want to be.
From Steely Dan's "Deacon Blues"


New member
Dr. L related her first shooting range session this morning. I hope her female audience is paying attention. This is good.


New member
I wonder if it is a coincidence that her recent change of heart in the area of guns has been accompanied by a media backlash against her for her views on Homos?

Now they will discredit her for these views and point to her gun views as just another example of how Dr. Laura is a wacko. Her station very well may recommend that she undergo psychological testing to see if she is competent to host a talk show.

We shall see.