Downloading the magnums


New member
So I'd like to get a Vanguard deluxe but they dont offer it in the smaller callibers for smaller game. Not being a high power cartridge reloader or big game hunter, are there any problems with downloading calibers like 30-06, 270, 7mm with light bullets to moderate velocities. I really like the gun but really dont need quite so much performance. Thanks

El Paso Joe

New member
Shouldn't be a problem - but use a good reloading manual and starting loads. The only problems I am aware of are light (squib) loads of fast burning powder (like Bullseye) in large magnum pistol cases. Reports are that they will sometimes detonate (vice burn) the powder.


New member
Light Loads

Shooting light loads is possible. Just do a lot of research and be careful. The main problem with down loading bottle neck cartridges is powder position sensitivity. Always try to use a powder that gives as much case fill as possible. Do a lot of research before you down load, and make sure you do not just lower any powder weights.

Trail Boss is one powder that was developed for down loads in Cowboy Action Shooting. Trail Boss gives great case fill, with low pressure and velocity. Tom.


New member
How far are you talking about?
The minimum manual loads for any of these should be quite pleasant to shoot. The 7 Mag will be less likely to be accurate with reduced loads as is the case with most over bore capacity cases. The 30/06 should tune up pretty easily with reduced loads.

My older Speer manual shows very reduced loads in the 1800 to 2000 FPS range for each of these.


New member
The 30/06 should tune up pretty easily with reduced loads.

The hotter my 06 loads get the better they shoot. Be careful with reduced loads in large cases. The hang fires can be rough.


New member
The hotter my 06 loads get the better they shoot

That is often the case. But, that was not the OP's question. Of the three cartridges mentioned the 30/06 will usually be the easiest to tune followed by the 270, at least in the rifles I have used. Large belted magnums are terrible to try and work up an accurate reduced load.
You will not get hangfires with the minimum loads listed in the reloading manuals.