Downloadable Firearms Inventory Software Needed

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
I'm amazed. I just spent the better part of an hour searching the web for Firearms Inventory Software, and came up with very little. I really thought there'd be tons of the stuff out there.

I have a nice little freebe program called "Gregg's Firearms Inventory", but it doesn't do all that I need.

I need a downloadable inventory program (my CD-ROM drive is on the fritz :eek: ), fifty bucks or less, with the ability to embed pictures and print records. I need it relatively soon to upgrade my insurance coverage.

Any links greatly appreciated.


New member
check out this link for a good review of several inventory software bundles that are geared towards firearms. Also, if I remember right the NRA has a free inventory software on their site if you are a member, but I don't know how useable it is for your requirements.

LAK Supply

New member
If you're familiar with SQL or Access you can set up a database and import your information. Access is very common with Office application software packages so you probably already have it. It would take a little more setup, but you can customize it to your preferences.


New member
If you know how to use MS Excel, you can very simply configure it to be a database with pics and any info you choose. Nice thing is, if you create your own, you can modify the content at any time, and in any way you choose.

Here's a sample that will open in Excel. You can save it, or play with it, then dump it if it doesn't suit you. I've had my inventory on this worksheet for years. My insurance company loves it, cause they don't have to have special software to see it. I just e-mail them the file.


New member
I use Microsoft Excel as well. Due to the capabilities of Excel, I’m unable to think of any feature(s) a separate program might offer that I couldn't facilitate with Excel.

There are plenty of tutorials and such out there to help anyone learn the very basic skills one would need to set up a firearm database.

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
Many thanks, guys, and thanks for your spreadsheet, Jayb. I downloaded it and will tinker with it when I have time.

I thought about using Access and designing my own, but I just don't have the time. Several years ago, my dept. asked me to design a searchable mug shot MS Access database that would calculate a suspects real time age, search variable criteria such as height, weight, etc. I used to work with the old DOS based dBase, but it took me six months to get the Access database working right. Next time I'll leave that stuff to the pros. :D

The reviews from the M1911 Forum were pretty good. My first choice would've been the NM Gun Collector software, but the full version is available on CD-ROM only, so I went with Gun Safe.

So far, Gun Safe is doing exactly what I need. For a freebe, it seems to be a great program and while the installation is a little more complex than NM Gun Collector, it's very easy to use. I guess I'll stick with that for now.

Thanks again, guys.