Down Under


New member
Keep hearing little tidbits about civil disobedience growing in Aussie land. What is the latest. Anybody!!!!

From my cold dead hands.
Not quite sure what you're referring to here. My Mum taught me always to be civil, and I've become more disobedient the older I've got!! ;)

Seriously, the only thing I can think of that would have hit the news would have been the "hot" reception our much-esteemed (choke, gag) Prime Minister, Little Johnny Howard, received when he attempted to tour country areas. Country people have been doing it very hard, and apparently left him in no doubts as to their mood. He was mobbed and had to be whisked away on two separate occasions by his security guards. The problems include new firearms rules, GST, closure of banks, reduction of subsidies for farmers, adherence to the "level playing field" theory (vs protectionism) for farmers. to taxes and so on.

He has lost 10% percent in the popularity stakes in a fortnight.

He must be sweating razor blades around about now.

If you've heard something else, if you can elaborate, I'll try to find out for you.



New member
Bruce, Id like to ask you a few questions about Oz and the gun laws if I may?
From what I gather, it wasnt an outright ban on all firearms, am I correct? and if so, which were banned?
Is the crime rate really up 300% in some areas as I heard? How does this make you feel in regards to you or your families safety?
Thanks, Cuz