douglass vs kreiger


New member
Im having compass lake build me an upper and im trying to decide if the extra money is worth it for the kreiger instead of the douglass. Rifle will be shot out to 600yds with handloaded ammo consisting of either hornady 75gr bthp or the 77gr smk. The douglass will be a 8 twist and the kreiger will be a 7.7 twist. Im going to go with the cle chamber on whatever i decide.


New member
When I posed the same question to our highpower director he said that accuracy is probably equal in his experience, with the main difference being that the Krieger's cut rifling generally holds its accuracy for a higher shot count than most other barrels, most noticeably at the 600 yd line. Serious highpower shooters with the skill to notice the difference (not me :D) might retire a barrel for long range at 4000ish rounds, Krieger often goes more like 5000-5500 before being retired to short-range and practice matches. For the cost difference it seemed to make sense and I've always kinda wanted a Krieger so that's what I ordered early last year (with the CLE match chamber as well). I've not been disappointed in the least; it shoots the 77s and 80 SMKs amazingly well and the interior finish is so smooth it doesn't even seem to copper foul to a noticeable extent.

I did have to back off most of my usual loads by an average of 1.5 grains as I was seeing pressure signs with the first group I tried. But I can hit the same velocities at that level so it's a good thing.


New member
Thankyou very much ifishsum! Thats exactly the kind of info I was looking for. If its going to last a little longer I suppose the kreiger is worth the extra $100 or so. In the end with the amount being spent on the rest of the rifle it makes sense to get the kreiger even If I will probably never be good enough to use it to its full potential.