Double Holster


New member
Threw this together last week as a joke. Thought you folks might enjoy it. What do you think?





New member
Not at all, keeps me from getting to my wallet! I'll probably wear if from time to time, though, especially at shooting events. It's my new BBQ rig.


New member
That's how Bell Charter Oak makes theirs, but like most, I don't like to reverse my grip when drawing. Also, it makes the rig even LESS concealable.

Not that this thing is that serious...

This one is set up just like two standard holsters.


New member
Looks to me like sitting could be painful!! I am not a fan of SOB carry, but looks like you did a good job on the holster. Fun BBQ rig.


New member
ha, i bought something like that on e-bay, for a castor troy look. i have some photos of it with airsoft replicas, not sure how they are taken on this forum (first post and all). if anyone has a problem with the picture, i'll remove it promptly.


dont have any pictures of it on my person, as i didnt have anyone to take said pictures.


Moderator Emeritus

The problem with a middle-of-the-back holster oriented with the grip facing out like that is that, while it looks cool in the movies, it's too easy to put a bullet in your own kidney on the drawstroke, which is actually considered fairly uncool in most social circles.

This is why Thumper's holster has the grips oriented inward, because his pistols are very much not airsoft.


It also lets anyone who cares to sneak up and help themselves to a gun.

SOB = concealed. SOB OC = gun out of your sight and control.

Amusing as a joke, but that's about it!


New member
from what i've read, OC refers to Open Carry.

I wouldnt carry SOB anyway, i'm a pretty hefty fella.


New member
I thought "Why is SOB such a bad idea in Orange County, but okay everyplace else?"

Yeah...I was guessing it might be that your Pilates instructor might feel it during your surfing warm-up.