Double barrel pistol?


New member
This comes up every couple months..

I think a consensus forum wide is it is pretty much a gimmick. If you decide to go for it let us know what you think.


New member
I had an idea sorta like that. I ended up realizing that having two separate guns is probably better and more fun.

It seems like a double barrel pistol has at least twice the chance of jamming than a "normal" pistol. That's assuming both barrels function properly and the design of the pistol and magazines doesn't cause more reliability problems.


New member
The biggest problem is that since the two "slides" are really a single piece and therefore have to move together, you have to figure out how to fire both barrels at the exact same time, or else the slide moving backward would cause the unfired round to be expended from the other side.

But, you can't have both barrels fire with a single trigger pull, because that would be a "machine gun" per the ATF definition.

Regardless, it's just some cool 3-D modeling.

James K

Member In Memoriam
FWIW, I see a more serious problem that ejecting an unfired round.

Since there is no way to ensure that both rounds fire at esactly the same millisecond (and we are talking milliseconds here), I can see the round in barrel one firing and the unlocking process partly completed just as the round in barrel two fires. That would seem to allow the number two round to fire with its slide out of battery and the results would be interesting.

Do they have some way of preventing that? Maybe, but I don't see it.
