"Dot" sights on lever guns - Ideas and Comments?


New member
I've been looking for a cheap way to improve the sights on a M94 30-30. I don't want to scope it and I'm not crazy about peep sights, either. The "ghost ring" setup sounds intriguing, however.
I was looking at some red dot sights in the new Cabellas shooting catalog which gave me an idea. What do you think of putting a red dot Tasco or similar sight on a lever action carbine.
I like the idea of no magnification which would help in total darkness. In other words, if you could see the target, you could hit it using available light. Comments, suggestions, or have I just lost my mind?


I've got an Aimpoint on my .357 lever gun right now. It's ok... and is fun for making cans jump all around at 30 yards.

But... I am changing it out for a 2.5X scout scope because I really like that setup. They aren't heavy and balance a lever gun well (at least on a Trapper length).

Burris makes (or at least made) a scout scope base for the Winchester Mod. 94.

Ashley Outdoors makes one for the Marlin (and Winchester I believe) for $50.



New member
Thanks, Kilgor.
I may have to check into a scout scope. I wear glasses and it can be a pain to use the open sights on the M94.


New member
I have been thinking of putting one on my Marlin .44 mag to use on feral hogs. It should be great for nights with a full moon. Just don't forget your silvertips. ;)
