Don't Tread On Me


New member
Bumper stickers? Have you tried Flag World there on the Riverwalk in Holy Tony's? When I was last down this summer, I saw they had a bunch of stickers as well. Don't know about that specific flag.


New member

Navy Jack


Gadsden Flag



has Gadsden bumper stickers.


New member

I don't know for sure but the news showed a short video clip of the Navy Jack being unfurled/handled by naval personnel. May have been file footage, I missed the audio.


New member
The one I saw on FOX news was the first flag in RAE's post.

I need to visit River Walk anyway. I might as well check out KSFreeman's suggestion while there.

Nanaimo Barr

New member
and here I had to hunt high and low and explain what the heck I was looking for! all I had to do was ask here. sheesh!

(although I am getting a bit tired of explaining to people what that other flag under Old Glory is. but my father in law got all teary eyed when he saw it)


New member
U.S. Ships To Fly 'Don't Tread On Me' Flag
Fri Sep 6, 1:39 PM ET

U.S. warships in San Diego and around the world will be flying an old flag emblazoned with the words "Don't Tread On Me" starting Wednesday, the first anniversary of the East Coast terror strikes.

Navy Secretary Gordon R. England ordered last week that the historic banner, the first Navy Jack, be flown for the duration of the nation's war on terrorism.

"The temporary substitution of this Jack represents an historic reminder of the nation's and Navy's origin and will to persevere and triumph," England said in a statement.

The amphibious ship Rushmore was the first ship in San Diego to receive the flag and briefly displayed it during a ceremony Thursday, 10News reported.

It was taken down shortly after the ceremony and will be displayed on the ship's quarterdecks until Wednesday.

The first Navy Jack -- bearing a rattlesnake stretched across 13 bars of red and white above the words "Don't Tread on Me," -- appeared during the Revolutionary War.


Staff Alumnus
You know Betsy ross originally designed The Don't %#$ With Me" Flag, but George Washington feared such straightforward vulgarity might make some of our citizen soliders uncomfortable.

:D :p