Don't Support Sports Authority stores


New member
I was looking for a spotting scope and saw that the Sports Authority has one I was interested in in their On Line Store. So I called a local store in Michigan and the clerk at the other end tells me "they" pulled all of the hunting gear from all the stores in Michigan. I asked why. She stated it didn't sell enough. I found that a little hard to believe with numbers of folks who hunt in MI. So I mentioned that point and the real answer slipped out as she mumbled something about the are worried about liability. She then said I would need to get the scope I was interested in on-line.
I told I wouldn't support the store anymore after they pulled the gear from on-line stores. She didn't have much to say after that.

I apologize if this was covered before but I did a quick search and didn't find anything.
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It is about poor sales. Guns are high-ticket items that often don't move quickly from that sort of store. Dead stock is bad for the bottom line. So they discontinue any items that don't move, which can include guns.

If you're mad at them for that, then you're against capitalism.


New member
I just shopped at the local one this weekend. But they don't stock firearms or any accessories. It depends very much in the demographics of the store's location. The Big 5, even more local, stocks shotguns but you won't see any in the big city stores. You know how them city folk are.


New member
The store sucked even when they sold guns. Their fishing section was crappy. Camping stuff was 2nd rate. I don't know how a "big box store" like this even stays in business. They must sell a lot of sportswear and shoes.


New member
Sports Authority is mostly a clothing store, not sporting goods. They also pulled SCUBA gear off the shelves a few years ago.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
The one in San Antonio has a few overprice long guns and ammo. It used to be Oshman's and carried handguns and overpriced ammo. Then they sold out. The current store is crap unless you want to to buy spandex underpants.

Interesting, Sportsman's Warehouse opened two stores here and one is closing. They didn't pay attention to demographics, IMHO. They opened that one in an area that was towards the poorer part of town. Needed to carry Lorcin 25 ACP guns and not some $1200 SW 327 TRP blastomatic.