Don't sell your Mil-surps!! (except to me!)


New member
Ok guys....

So we have a Ban on the "horizon"... And this one looks like it isn't going to have a "sunset"......

But I have been snapping up mil-surp deals left and right.... From guys who are selling out their old warhorse shooters for AR funds... Heck,, I even got caught up in it for a minute...

But wait,,, I only got rid of ONE Mosin..... Don't cash in on the killer Mausers and Russian SKS's just to get an "evil" black rifle... (or a few parts..) I have a buddy who is looking to trade an all matching Tula SKS for just about ANY AK,, because of the HR1022 scare... ((don't get any ideas,,,,I'm first,,and I don't play around when it comes to Tula SKS's...))

I've watched some shameless dealers at gunshows handing out copys of this;
with a sneaky smile,, saying stuff like,,, "You'd better get these (AR's,,AK'S,, SKS's,,ect...) while you can,, they're about to be BANNED!!!""

So,, bottom line,,, I don't have a trust fund or anything, but if you're going to give up a rifle you might see on the History channel next month,,, at least don't sell yourself short,,,( unless I'm buying it....)........

No matter what happens,,, the real history buffs will keep collecting...


New member
You are a wise man indeed.

I'm already to the point that I've forgotten more guns than I regret selling...

Man,, I'm going to have to plead the fifth on all those SKS's, Hakim's and M1 carbines in the 80's...... If anyone ever asks......

MMMnnnn.... Remember when a good Hakim was $150???


New member
I would not consider any (realistic) price for my 1945 M1 Garand that I bght last Sep. Finally got to shoot it last weekend. Wow! What a charge that gave me. It had been 35 years since the last time. And that Greek surplus ammo from CMP was spot on. :cool:


New member
I have yet to sell a firearm. Most of the time because I don't want to waste the time to sell it when I could just be at work instead.


New member
I'd love to buy up a bunch of guns, especially on the secondary market, but I just can't afford it. I only really want two more guns, a bolt action rifle (which shouldn't be affected by any up and coming possible ban so I'm ok for a while there) and a Glock 23. I'd love to get the Glock magazines at least before they are banned but heck, I can't even afford that at this point!

Luckily, I am good friends with the owner of a local gun shop so if and when I can afford to buy some more, I should be better of than not.


New member
I can;t be the only guy who has been trading rifles for other rifles left and right for over 20 years,,, can I??

But Johnc,,, You just started a new club,, the

"regret selling a gun" club.

Yeah, I'm a proud member of that club too.... I love 'em and leave 'em.....


New member
You're not alone. I buy/sell/trade all the time based on what I want at the moment. Of course there are some I regret selling but there are also ****s I couldn't get rid of fast enough.

There are some gems and heirlooms I'll never sell. I wish I had the money to keep everything I've ever bought but there's just no way (or safe big enough).


New member
If you're trading that's one thing.. different mindset. But if you're buying for yourself, and you find a gun that works, then IMHO you should never sell it even if you 1) want another one more 2) need the cash 3) get tired of it, or any other reason other than it doesn't work right. Do your research beforehand, get only those guns that you really really like, and keep them forever. You never know when you'll be able to do it again.


New member
So Bennn what time does the support group meet?

Ok, My name is John and I sold a Franchi 48AL. That I never should have. See, I feel better already:)

Your turn.


New member
I ain't bustin my butt to get ahold of one of those expensive AR's that look cool, but once you get them, everyone calls it a poodle shooter or mousegun. Suddenly it becomes too weak to stop bad guys clean? As for the AK, it seems to me that it is ideally a fully auto arm, in semi, just another cheap stamped inaccurate ammo blaster that costs more than my equally semi but better built SKS, which cost alot less. Mil. weapons are fun to mess with and I have a few, might break down and get some more, but not buy something on speculation due to bans and hype. I feel I am fully secure with Garands, carbines, and even bolt rifles, since I am restricted by law and cheapness, to non class III items and a class III gun that is only semi auto is a serious degradation of their effectiveness.


New member
Garands, carbines, and even bolt rifles,

Yeah,, I'm talking about the "even bolt rifles." .......

I just love tracking down all the little hard to see marks on a Mauser........... Heck even on a Mosin with six different #'s it's a lot of fun.....


New member


New member
OK... I sold a Universal M1 Carbine and regret it. Ditto with a completely nondescript Ted Williams 20ga pump shotgun. If I miss those two -- especially that POS Universal -- I know better than to sell anything I have now!!


New member
I have bought and sold many firearms but the only sale I regret is getting rid of my Ruger P-89. This was my first full size handgun and I had just replaced the mainspring to lighten the double action trigger. I still have my Ruger P-95 but it ain't as purty.



New member
I was almost to step 2 when Wildalaska PM'd me to ask if I wanted a swede M38..........

Dang it, he's supporting my habit!!