Don't I feel like Deputy Barney Fife!!!


New member
About three weeks ago I took my daughter's boyfriend out shooting. He is getting ready to go to a police academy and wanted to get in some practice. He has a used Taurus and I brought my Walther P99 which is my carry gun. We ran a couple of hundred rounds through between the two of us, cleaned weapons and went home. I had three magazines for my Walther out at the time. I always carry my Walther with me with one round in the chamber but with the pistol decocked. There is an indicator on the side of the P99 that lets you know if there is a round in the chamber. I hadn't really taken my gun out of my holster since then but I carry it everyday. This morning while sitting around watching TV, I decided to take my gun out and look it over, check for wear, rust etc. I dropped the magazine out. It landed in my lap. I racked the slide and cought to round that it ejected. Picked it up to put back in my magazine. Picked the magazine up and just stared at it for the longest time. It was empty!!! Evidently when I was reloading after shooting, I got distracted and set the magazine down before reloading it and then later picked it up, popped it in, chambered a round and checked the indicator showing there was indeed a round in the chamber. I don't have any idea why I didn't feel the weight difference when I picked up the magazine with only one round in it. I was probably talking to my daughter's BF at the time and not paying attention. I can't believe I walked around for nearly three weeks with only one round in my gun. I guess the high capacity magazine ban hasn't really affected me much. (where is the "turning red faced with embarrassment" smiley face?)
OK everybody, go ahead and take your shots. I deserve it :D :D


New member
An acquaintance of mine, Al, investigated prowlers who were on his neighbor's property. He brought his six-inch, S&W blue steel 41 magnum along (Model 57?). The prowlers were returning to their van, which was parked, on the street. They were carrying the loot in their hands. Al raised the muzzle into the sky and pulled the trigger. CLICK!…CLICK, CLICK. :eek: The revolver was unloaded! The bad guys took notice of the rather large weapon, dropped the loot and took off in the van.

Al told me that he always keeps his 41 magnum loaded. What happened?

Earlier, Al’s teenage kid took the revolver out for a test drive without permission. He fired all six rounds that were in the cylinder. Then he returned the revolver to where he found it. Al had no idea. I’m glad everything turned out all right.


New member
To prevent a repeat of that surprise, in the future you might consider topping off that mag after you cycle the slide. That way you'll be assured the mag is loaded and at full capacity instead of underloaded by one.

So as I understand it your friend intended to fire 'warning shots' against perpetrators of a property crime wasting rounds whose final resting place were unknown? Was this in California? I hope you dispensed advice to him which would dissuade him from such action in the future.


New member
The only advice I gave him was to make sure his gun was loaded next time.:D

Al has been in at least one gunfight that I know of. He is most certainly old school and beyond my advice. He may even be as old as C.R. Sam!;)

I suspect he only intended to fire one warning shot, but kept trying after the first failure.

Yes, it occurred in California.


Ok...I'll admit to just one screwup...

Since Im a reserve deputy, I only act like a cop a few days a month.

I do have a few bad habits. I shoot constantly. Hundreds of rounds a week at the gun club I'm a member of.

I am qualified to use a government model .45 or a Sig P220 on duty.

Mostly, but not always, I 'll carry the Sig, as the government model is tricked out and had a fairly light trigger.

One day I go out ot the range and I bring my SigP220 .45, P239, Colt Anaconda,Dan Wesson .357 and a Ruger .22 and a Norinco Government Model .45.

I shoot lots and lots of rounds at targets and have a great time.

I take all the stuff home and clean em all out. No problem.

The problem comes in the fact that had shot my duty ammo and was rotating it out with some newstuff, in this case Winchester STHP's.

Somewhere in the process I got distracted and instead of putting my 220 magazines back in my duty gear mag holder I put the government model mags in them.

So what I had was a P220 with an 8 round mag in it and one in the chamber and 2 extra government model mags on me. Most of us know that government model .45 mags dont work in a Sig P220.

Luckily I only did 2 patrols before I noticed my mistake. It could of been worse, but it just goes to show what can happen when one gets distracted..
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El Rojo

New member
I am editing Watchman's text to, "It could of been worse, but it just goes to show what can happen when one gets OLD!!!" :D


I am editing Watchman's text to, "It could of been worse, but it just goes to show what can happen when one gets OLD!!!"

Gee....thanks ....

I hear its all downhill once you hit 40 !:D


New member
I just checked my own magazine: Thirteen rounds.

I always check the chamber when I pick up my gun in the morning, but I usually don't check the magazine.


New member
Did something similar.....

Getting ready to leave one night, racked a round in my Glock 17, dropped the mag and topped it off. Doorbell rang, set gun and mag on dresser and answered door. Came back, grabbed Glock and stuck it in holster and headed out.

For some reason, the gun just didn't feel right. Finally stopped the car and unholstered it. No wonder it felt odd, it weighed considerably less than normal. Luckily, I keep a spare mag in the car, so I didn't have to go all the way back home to get the mag laying on the dresser.


Staff Alumnus
I did that on the way to a match. Put .45 in the Gun rug, all my 9mm mags in the range bag. Luckily I realized my mistake when I stopped to get a cup of coffee and looked in my range bag for my wallet. Hmmmmm thats the GREY Pistol rug.. not The Blue one..... good thing the coffee stop was around the corner from my house.

Long Path

New member
So what I had was a P220 with an 8 round mag in it and one in the chamber and 2 extra government model mags on me. Most of us know that government model .45 mags dont work in a Sig P220.

Sure they will! With the proper employment of Duct Tape, all can be made to work! (wouldn't wanna do this in scarey scenario, however...)

Look, I'm not gonna say it was anybody we know here, but I know (ahem) a certain officer who went out and did a few close patrols and even a traffic stop before realizing that his main gun holster was empty. Halfway through the traffic stop, he put his backup into his main holster. No one noticed. (oops.)


New member

You worked with the Ayatollah too?:eek: He do get around!:D

One day I had a foot post a couple of blocks from the station house. I went back for my meal and put my hat coat, and gunbelt in my locker. I kept my off duty on me. When it was time to go back I got dressed and starting walking back. I felt good. Light and springy on my feet like I hadn`t a care in the world. Also no gunbelt! I walked back and I mumbled something to the Sgt. on the desk that I forgot something upstairs. I even had my radio in my back pocket.:rolleyes:


New member
If you had pulled a real Barney, not only would you've only had the one round, but you would've shot the floor through your holster to prove it!:D :D

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Recently found friend's G26 loaded with two rounds...his wife changed magazines without realizing that the new mag had only two in it.


New member
Now this is dumb....About a month ago I was at the range shooting my charter arms .38 undercover. I had 3 hks speed loaders with me. I was in the process of reloading with the second of the speed loaders when the damn thing wouldn't drop the rounds into the cylinder. I couldn't get the cartridges to line up with the cylinder. I actually messed with the gun and loader for about 30 seconds before I realized I had grabbed a 6 round speed loader from the safe instead of the 5 rounder's I needed for the charter arms. I felt incredibly stupid. I quickly tucked it into my range bag and continued on with my remaining 2 loaders.


New member
One should never get too old to be able to well receive sound advice.

Sam...Beware the man with a wheel. He may be able to dot your eyes.