Don't Forget! Nov. 19th is National Ammo Day

Mike U.

New member
Ok, it's not an "official" day but I added the national to make everyone aware that we should observe it all across the U.S.A.
I know things are tough, economically speaking, but this is something we can do to help ourselves and the firearms industry who needs all the help they can get with this new rabidly anti-gun administration.
What the day entails is you and I going out on November 19 and buy 100 rounds of ammo. With this, we show all the anti-gunners, especially in D.C. that we are law abiding citizens buying ammo for our lawfully owned and/or recently purchased firearms and we are MANY.

Here's the official site for more info:


Staff In Memoriam
I also suggest we all get out of bed with our "Black Friday" sinificant others and do our red blooded best to empty the ammo shelves...


New member
Unfortunately, I don't think they care

With this, we show all the anti-gunners, especially in D.C. that we are law abiding citizens buying ammo for our lawfully owned and/or recently purchased firearms and we are MANY.

Unfortunately, I don't think they care; or rather it won't make them think of us any differently.
It's the guns themselves that need to go. I don't think it has anything to do with who they think has the guns.
All guns are bad and dangerous; that goes for all of us, and none of us should have them.
I have a feeling gun control legislation is going to be pushed through early in the next year; and I think it will have an easy time passing.

Also, from what I understand the shelves are already empty. I haven't been to any stores that sell guns or ammo since the election, but that's how people have been making it sound.
One more thing, I know the shelves of "assault rifles" are empty.


Staff In Memoriam
daryl, The politicians know it would be much easier to make the ammo un-attainable than to take the guns away...


New member
If you want ammo go to WalMart. They even have .223 and 9mm ammo. Strange that they have it since everyone else is sold out.


New member
If you want ammo go to WalMart. They even have .223 and 9mm ammo. Strange that they have it since everyone else is sold out.

One of the Walmarts here stopped carrying 9mm because "it's too powerfull of a round and it kills people"....but they still carry everything else. :confused:

B. Lahey

New member
I have already done my part, just ordered 600 more rounds of 7.62x51 for when my rebuilt M14 shows up in a few weeks. Should be here on the 19th.


New member
daryl, The politicians know it would be much easier to make the ammo un-attainable than to take the guns away...
Yeah, but just because of that pesky second amendment thing. If it weren't for that, you know they would be trying, or would have already have done it.
I think they will however make sure you can't buy an "assault rifle" or high cap mags, and other accessories. It wouldn't surprise me if they do try to take at least those away. They may have to mandate registration first, but eventually they're at least going to propose it.
But my point was just that anti gun types would happily confiscate all of them. I think a lot of them feel that just the fact you own a firearm - especially if it's not for hunting - is evidence that there is something wrong with you, and you are likely a dangerous person.
I agree that we will eventually see ammunition taxed out of existence. After all, how is that unconstitutional? I am in fact surprised there isn't already a huge firearm tax.

chris in va

New member
They don't have to tax it. Take Wolf for example, Russia isn't in our best graces at the moment. Wouldn't take much just to cease all Russian ammo imports. Then we're left with $12 boxes of hunting ammo for our AK's.