Dons Guns, NPR story

lee n. field

New member
Just listened to All Things Considered's coverage of the AWB deathwatch.

It's about what you'd expect.

At the end of it they talked to the owner of Don's Guns in Indianapolis. This guy had been an early supporter of the AWB, and even, so it was said, publicly burned some of his stock.

He still supports the AWB. He also thinks there should be no private sales at all, that all sales should be FFL mediated.

Wonderful. Just wonderful.

Number 6

Lenin said that

the last capitalist would sell his executioners the rope he was to be hanged with. This willing tool of a would-be police state is even worse. :barf:

Ben Swenson

New member
Central Indiana residents have long hated Don.

He pulls publicity stunts every now and again - burying cheap pistols, burning cheap rifles. Whenever the media wants a good anti-gun quote, they go to him.

There's little more disgusting than his commercials. "I don't wanna make any money, I just wanna sell guns! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Funny, the last one I saw he was pushing evil looking rifles.


New member


New member
He also looks like he does pretty well out of it .... and looks pretty much like some hypocritical evangelist I remember from way back.

''Man with forked tongue ...............................''


New member
all you have to know to figure out what a douche bag the guy is is look at his website. He makes such a big deal about how noone should be able to own "assault weapons" whenever a reporter sticks a mic in front of him, but he makes sure you know that he sells full-auto guns and that all it takes is a little paperwork. He also coined the phrase "it's better to have a gun and not need it than need one and not have it" btw :barf:


New member
Don is an unmitigated, two-faced tool. I've been in one of his shops, once. Dingy, dirty, poorly staffed, and the only store I've ever seen that charged prices over MSRP.


New member
He looks like a used car salesman. So this is where the MD THR folks show up.
Check out Bushmaster's settlement.


New member
Just ask him where Jimmy Hoffa is. Oops, did I say that. Oops.

Don is an embarrassment to Indianapolis. The sooner he retires the better off the city will be.


New member
Don is known in central Indiana for a number of things, particularly to gun owners:

1. His store (he used to have three) won't give prices over the phone
2. As another poster commented, his prices are resoundingly high
3. He absolutely hates gun shows, and has complained on several occasions to the taxing authorities about sales tax issues in order to harass vendors who sell through them
4. His real clientele are from the lower income brackets. He sells a large number of very cheap guns at some very high profit margins
5. IIRC, he at one time was a teamsters union official who was involved in some sort of trouble a number of years ago.

None of us have much use for him.




New member
The tech nine!!!

The gold tech nine!! It matches his ring and necklace and cufflinks (probably a tooth somewhere out there) Thats off the hizzle fo shizzle my nizzle! I gotta have one!!

--the truth:
-- what a waste of oxygen.
-- what a waste of shelf space.
Notice almost if not all are kinda crummy guns or (real cheap) on his shelf?
I think everything in that pic looks cheap. (yes I mean everything him included)


New member
Trey, Don wears a gold Rolex President with the diamonds on the bezel of the watch. FYI....



New member
Watch doesn't make the man,

You can polish a ****... it's still a... (say it with me) ;)

But thanks for pointing out how well he is polished :D


New member
Why don't the local gun rights group or NRA

contact the manufacturers & distributers that supply this guy and cut him off?