Dog chewed my boots. Any suggestions?


New member
Hey all,

I lost my belleville boots to my dog. They were a pair of gortex-lined uninsulated desert boots, and they served me very well. I was going to just get a pair of bellevilles again, but I thought I'd ask around here, as there are some very knowledgeable people on this forum in all things hunting-related. I'm looking to spend around the same amount of money, which is approximately $130. Are there some better/other options for a good all around hiking boot that will be lightweight, durable, and waterproof. I don't want insulation, as my feet run hot, and these are worn year-round. If it gets cold, I wear better socks.


New member
I like Danners, but am not sure what they have in the $130 range.

In that price range, I really like the Salomon trail-runner type hiking sneakers, but they aren't waterproof. They are really awesome for long distance hikes, though.


New member

Step one: Beat the crap out of that dog with the boot he chewed.

Step two: Have wife / girlfriend spank you for leaving your boots accessible to your dog.

Step three: Purchase a pair of "hi-tech magnums" or "bates enforcers" for the feet---promise you will love them !!!!



New member
Buy new boots of your choice. Don't leave them out for the dog to chew.
Just in case you might forget to put them away, douse them with Tobasco sauce regularly. Once a week should do fine.


New member
I'm not sure why the dog chewed my boots. She's been on the porch with 3 pairs of boots for weeks, has never chewed another pair of shoes, and generally doesn't bug stuff. Maybe I had something on them that smelled appetizing. Thanks for the tips all.


New member
I like Danners, but am not sure what they have in the $130 range.

Yeah, Danners.

Whites are great too, but way outside the price range you mention. Converse has some boots that I've been looking at, but I've never owned any, so I can't say whether they're good or not.



New member
A few of you have mentioned my price range. What price range am I looking at for a better boot? I'm open to higher prices as well, though I wanted to see if there was anything in that price range worth mentioning.


New member
Danners-there are a couple of on-line stores that sell em that way-considerably less than MSRP.. Ask and may get 'free' shipping.


New member
One of my dogs once chewed up, over the span of two days, a pair of Raichle hiking boots; the remote to my TV; and my Telex pilot's headset and case.

The vet told me that was usually a sign of separation anxiety. The dog was chewing up things that had the strongest levels of my scent on them, since it made him feel like I was there. (Not that he was actually biting me.)

I ended up having to put him back into crate training while I was at work. When I was home, I started working on leaving for short intervals, but coming back, while he was free in the house. Got him used to the idea that I would always come back. Problem stopped.

Good luck.
+1 MLeake, Some of my dogs had the same anxiety and attachment issues of my wife and I leaving for extended periods of time and finally after fencing them in during these hrs they realized we would come back, all ok after a short time. Was able to leave them free to roam 24/7 with no chewed up personal belongings. Good post!


New member
Unless you find them on sale there is nothing in the $130 range I'd suggest. The Belleville's were probably part of a military surplus overun and the MSRP is going to be a lot more than $130. I've found some good buys on some of the military surplus boots in the past. Bought my son a pair of the Belleviews for $25 a few years ago. But that was when the war in the desert was gearing up. Don't see as many deals on them as I did a few years ago.

Lately I've been using high cut hiking boots more than boots made for hunting. You get more quality, for less money. You are also more likely to find great prices on boots when the next years models and colors come out.;cat104747580;cat104383080;cat104105880;cat104747580;cat104383080;cat104105880


New member
When I was deployed overseas once I received my Danners I threw the Army issued boots in the trash. I also purchased a pair of Bellvilles for warmer weather wear. For nasty/cold weather I would get Danners and for warmer dry weather a pair of Bellvilles. I still have these boots and use them they were purchased in 2003.


New member
Not sure what size you wear but I have a pair of black Gor-Tex, non-insulated Bellevilles in men's size 9.5 W that I'd sell for $75 + shipping. I've worn them a couple times but just don't care for the style. I ended up with a pair of Danners instead.

Note: If you're familiar with Belleville boots, you probably know that a 9.5 non-insulated boot is comparable to a standard size 10.


New member
IMO It's hard to beat the Belleville Desert w/gortex boots,they're tough,light weight,and water proof.
I am on my third pair and will buy another they work great for warm temp hunting and const.


I have Danners - but mine are a little older and made in the US. Only some of the models are now - I find the US-made ones just seemed better and truer to size than the imported ones

LL Bean may still carry their upland boot - it was a Gore-tex uninsulated hunting boot - last I saw was somewhat in your price range