Dog Attacks..Do You Shoot??

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RH Factor

New member
Your walking your small dog...minature, Yorkie, whatever....and a pit bull from across the street comes charging across you ...

a..wait and see if it attacks you
b..see if it attacks your dog then shoot
c..wait till it attacks your dog then try to get it off. tell me

Oh..BTW...take out your mini dog, and put your 5 or 6 year old long do you wait?

A situation happened here locally where the pit bull attacked the dog..almost fatally before the owner was able to get the dog off. I told my wife if I was walking our Yorkie and it happened I'd pull out my legally carried concealed weapon and shoot the pit bull. She said terrific..I'd be in jail. Would I be? Hmm..then why do people get put in jail when they harm a dog...Hell..I was trying to save one.

So what are the legal ramifications......Let me guess....."But officer I thought the dog was going to attack me."

I'll tell you this..if it was my child standing with me...I wouldn't wait too long.

This is in the news so much..what do you think.

RH Factor


New member
If it were to attack my dog, I would probably kick its head in or something. If it then would attack me I could shoot it legally. If I was with a 5-6 year old child, I would shoot it much quicker. Better to be judged my 12 than to have your leg ripped off by an enraged pittbull. Just my $0.02



New member
You guys obviously don't understand: "Officer, the viscious pit bull attacked me and my faithful Yorkie threw itself into the jaws of that beast. I was fearing for my life and was only trying to get away....".


New member
I friend of mine has been training attack dogs for years. He gave me some information that could save your life.
Albiet not everyone can carry them out.

If a dog comes rushing at you. turn towards it and yelling like a mad mad, run towards the dog with your forearm out and ready to take a bite..
First of all unless the dog has been professionally trained. You running at it yelling it going to deter or at least distract it. You also give yourself the advantage by taking its momentem away.

If the dog continues be prepared to get your arm mauled.. but make sure the dog takes your arm.. thats the point of forcing your forearm out front. once the dog has your forearm.
lunge to the ground wrapping your legs around the dog. (preferably landing on the ground with your legs between the ground and the dogs back, this can sometimes damage the dog enough for it to give up.) all while pulling your other arm around the back of the dogs neck. Then attempt a grinding motion with your arms attempting to break its neck. If you dont' think you are strong enough.. then place your fingers in the dogs eye sockets and force them in. While pulling back. Pushing back with your arm being bitten in the proocess.

Sure this sounds extreme. And rather painful. But would you rather it catch you off guard giving it a split second to go for your neck. Or sacrifice an arm in exchange for your life.
Either way you can't be squeamish and be prepared to kill the dog.. no matter what.

I've never been in a position to put these concepts in practice.
But I have stopped a dog chasing after me, by turning and running at it screaming. And it wasn't your friendly dog chasing cars. It was a very mean looking German Shepard.

This of course being one form of action if you are not armed with anything.
If I was carrying. I'd lay the dog down in an instant and call my lawyer afterwards.
Nowadays I doubt you would be in much trouble considering the case that just took place in SanFran.
Especially if the dog has received complaints before.

Tall Man

New member
Stand fast, for a moment...

Guys, use the TFL search function. This issue has been discussed MANY times before, and the general mood in such exchanges has not always been charitable.

I respect your interest in the tactical aspects of such a scenario. Please try to understand and respect the particular can of worms that you are opening here, however.

"Dog attack" threads rank right up there with "LEOs (love/hate)" and "Glock vs 1911" as some of the most divisive discussions ever to use bandwidth on this site.

Tall Man

Got aquarium?


New member
pepper spray in one hand, knife in the other, for me anyways. i've had a pit run up for an attack and only stopped within ten feet as i turned to face it. kept circling and circling while i pulled my spray out and even with me facing him, he did advance. at 5 feet i sprayed. pit sneezed off the pepper, and came back for more. didnt bark. didnt growl. didnt even whine. it was after that i always made sure i had a knife on me as well.

i've had to pepper spray many dogs, of all different breeds. maybe some of them were only barkers, but i'm not going to wait and find out.


New member
Whether or not I would shoot it for attacking my dog remains a matter of debate. If it were attack a child of mine, putting the dog out of its misery would be a done deal.

Where I live, people are VERY fond of "dumping" out their unwanted pets. After a while of scrounging around just to survive, some of them can become quite mean.


New member
If it looked like the dog was going to kill my dog, yes I'd try to prevent that. If shooting the aggressor was the only way, I'd do it. I have no idea what the law says about this.


New member

The Cops and the DA are not 'Gun Friendly' But since the recent fatal Dog Mauling trial where a pair of Attack Dog owners were found guilty of Second Degree Murder and Neglegant Homacide when their mutts attacked and killed a neighbor, the Powers That Be are even Less friendly towards the oweners of attack dogs that are allowed to run loose.
Shoot the thing!:mad: (& get a Good Lawer!);)


New member
Bring a walking stick or cane with you. I saw my grandfather beat the hell out of a few menacing dogs with one. They never came around twice.


New member
Veloce851 - sure he was a friend? He must be kidding! Just give him your arm? (and maybe lose it do to nerve damage?) I would count on my sense of timing. Say nothing but concentrate on timing. If the time is up he gets ... a dog bone.


New member
PS There seems to be a moral issue here too. If a dangerous dog is loose you might be able to control it one way or another but what about some young child or an elderly person. Don't expect someone to care for your loved ones if you do not think of others.

RH Factor

New member
Your right ..using the TFL Search would have given me some background on previous threads. AND, if every person here would not post because it was brought up before, we would probably have 1/10 the new posts. There are new people on all the time and views change with the current times. I hope people don't stop posting because someone brought it up sometime in the past. Sorry for my rant.
RH Factor

PS..I still read those Glock vs 1911 threads...and I have neither yet.


Cant tell you what to do. Can tell you what I did / would do.

Avery stocky pit / shepard? came at me once (unarmed, walking 1 1/2 blocks to neighbors to visit) splashed him with coffee and did a war dance yelling and screaming at dog until owner came out and called him.

Next time had my 45 with me. Dog came at me again, seemingly viciously. Drew a line in the sand....Dog crossed line...Bang...INTO GROUND...four paws in air flailing for a turnaround. Success.

Noticed dog on chain after that.;)


New member
Trouble is, lots of people out there consider their mutt one of the family. Frankly, I see this as pure nonsense. I don't care what dogs are in this country; somewhere in the world they're served on a plate! If you still believe Poochy has constitutional rights like you, then let him vote! Get him a drivers license! Open a bank account in his name, for cryin' out loud! You might as well call a cheeseburger "cousin", by the way.

There are people who pour very dime they've got into their pets, and yet don't give a rat's a$$ about their fellow human being. It's a sad statement about their values, yes; but the truth of the matter is, there is a good chance that some piddly-wit lawyer will stretch the plaintiff's grievance to a point where you won't know who has more rights: you or the dog.

That being said, I'd let the pit tear my [dog, cat, iguana, ferret... fill in the blank] to pieces. THEN, I would press charges. I would NOT open fire at it because it is not attacking me or any other person. Only another animal.

IF, however, it launched itself against my girls...well (heh!)...that's another story. I wouldn't even need my gun---although using it would make things a lot easier, not having to pick any meat from my teeth and nails. Let's just say it was "hair of the dog that bit me."

Lawyers? Bring 'em on! (Got any salt?)

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New member
Current public opinion, should help the responsible gun owner that is forced to shoot a dog. I don't want to shoot any pooch, but if I am in fear of serious bodily injury, I'm going to defend myself!

FWIW, I've seen a pit bull that didn't react to pepper spray at all...


New member
skeeter yes he's a good friend.
However he did say only in an extreme condition. When you are unarmed and have access to absolutely nothing. (i.e. not even a big stick around)
The main premise is to command control of the situation.. and you will live.
He even admitted that there are other methods. These were some he had been taught to use in extreme cases, and had used before.


New member
Unarmed against a dog is a very foolish proposition. Unless the dog is small and/or not very motivated. Against a large powerful breed, good luck. Facing Fluffy, the Yorkie next door is no problem. But, when that dog is a Pit, Presa Canario, Fila Brasileiro, Mastiff, Cane Corso, etc., you are going to be up to your eyeballs in trouble. Large/powerful dogs can be extremely dangerous, and facing one without a weapon, no matter how motivated you may be, is likely to be a losing proposition.

I would treat a large/aggressive dog the same as I would treat a BG with a weapon. If it gets within Tueller distance, time to start shooting. No gun? A pox on you! Pull that folder from your pocket, start waving your arms and screaming, and hope the dog goes away. If you do have to use your knife, be aware that the large breeds can be very well muscled around the neck/shoulder/chest area, and a knife attack there may have only limited success. These types of dogs can also be very pain tolerent, and will continue on with the attack, regardless of how much pain they are in. Look to stab/slash in the relatively unprotected belly area.
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