Does your boyfriend own a gun? Are you sure?


New member
"Does your boyfriend own a gun? Are you sure?" That's the title of an article featured on the cover of the August 2000 issue of Mademoiselle magazine.

A few select quotes ...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"For many women, finding a boyfriend's gun -- or learning he has one -- is a little like coming across his hard-core porn collection. It hints at all sorts of dark, messy desires in your partner, from his delusions of being a badass Puff Daddy to his ability to menace you."[/quote]

Can you say, "paranoid"??

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"If you're one of the many women who just assume their boyfriends don't own a gun, you could be wrong. In fact, nearly half of American men -- think almost one out of two -- currently own a firearm, estimates the Washington, DC-based advocacy organization Hangun Control, while about 11 percent of women do."[/quote]

The article is written for people soooo stupid they need to be told that "nearly half" works out to "almost one out of two"! That explains a lot ...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"Men view a gun as an accessory that makes them feel more masculine and secure -- in the same way that a large purse filled with items you won't likely need (aspirin, five tubes of lipgloss, you Filofax) might make you feel both feminine and prepared for anything."[/quote]

Well, guys? Does it?

I sure feel more secure when I'm either carrying or with someone I trust who is, that much is true. (And shouldn't that large purse filled with items she won't likely need, include an equalizer?)

And finally, under tips ("How to Talk to a Guy About His Gun"), we have the following:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"Zero in on how he addresses safety concerns. This means keeping the gun not under his pillow, but in a lockbox, or having a trigger lock ... ammunition should be stored separately and he should be trained to use the weapon properly."[/quote]

Can't you just see it? "Honey, I don't know anything about guns, I don't like guns, I'm afraid of guns ... and I'm going to teach you how to take proper care of your gun." How would that go over?


"Is there anything wrong with a woman preferring the dignity of an armed citizen? I don't like to be coddled and I don't like to be treated like a minor child. So I waive immunity and claim my right -- I go armed." -- Longcourt Phyllis in Beyond This Horizon by Robert Heinlein

Robert Foote

New member
Remind me to pass this one on to my 22 yr old daughter who just finished Gunsite. She has become very hard to beat with that M19 Glock. Young men walk on eggs around HER.

BTW, what were these broads doing rummaging around anyway?



New member
Robert, you sound like a proud father! :D

It is the people who are prisoners of their own ignorance about firearms that pose the greatest threat to our 2nd Amendment Rights.


New member
A strange and unpleasant article, it seems to me: not only insulting toward men but also condescending toward women.

If there's a men's equivalent of "Mademoiselle" perhaps it'll have an article entitled "Does Your Girlfriend Own a Gun?" This could be written about my nieces. All their lives (they're now about 20 years old) they've participated in--and thoroughly enjoyed--our family tradition of shooting. They've had no need of trigger locks, either.

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited July 23, 2000).]

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Most women who take anything in Mademoiselle seriously aren't worth dating anyway. For such dregs, the chance of dating a good man who would own a gun for anything as fuddy-duddy and unhip as protecting innocent lives is pretty low.
In other words, for THOSE women only, it's probably true to some extent--the kind of loser men who would date them probably have no better reason for owning a gun than to menace a woman or be a Puff Daddy wannabe.

Let's face it, these wastes are not dating TFLers. The average TFLer would run screaming from the average Mademoiselle chick!


Staff Emeritus
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>It hints at all sorts of dark, messy desires in your partner[/quote]

Yeah, like staying alive, protecting his family, messy stuff like that.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Men view a gun as an accessory that makes them feel more masculine[/quote]

Hell, I thought that's what the leather trousers were for.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>This means keeping the gun not under his pillow, but in a lockbox, or having a trigger lock [/quote]

There have been times that I've had a gun under my pillow, one in the toilet tank, another in the flour can, and one clipped under my desk. It was a bad year.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>ammunition should be stored separately and he should be trained to use the weapon properly."[/quote]

Now that's a darn good idea. Can't figure out why I didn't think of it. :rolleyes:


[This message has been edited by LawDog (edited July 23, 2000).]
Hey Dog,

I've got one clipped under the side table in the living room, another on a shelf in the hall closet, one in the nightstand, one in the drawer of my computer desk, and I'm usually carrying when I'm at home.

I wonder if I need one in the kitchen? :)

Beware the man with the S&W .357 Mag.
Chances are he knows how to use it.


New member
Precisely the reason I'm upfront with a date about owning a gun. That way, if she's an anti, I can get the hell away! :D


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mike Irwin:
Hey Dog,

I've got one clipped under the side table in the living room, another on a shelf in the hall closet, one in the nightstand, one in the drawer of my computer desk, and I'm usually carrying when I'm at home.

I wonder if I need one in the kitchen? :)

More time is spent in the kitchen and bathroom then most people think. I'm not sure but I think the two rooms are somehow related




New member
Even though my ex-wife was pro-gun, she took Cosmo and the rest of those rags seriously!
This is exactly why she is my EX-wife. ;)

On another note, I found that my little chrome plated, mother-of-pearl handled .25, which just don't "fit in" with all the rest of my REAL guns, looks right at home in the bathroom. It blends fabulously with the decor, and really compliments the countertops, mirror, and the chrome around the shower door. :D

"Rise like lions after slumber in invanquishable number - Shake your chains to earth like dew which in sleep had fallen on you - Ye are many - They are few."
-Percy Bysshe Shelly (1792-1822)


New member
Why do those people need a publication that
-has more than ten pages?
-has glossy color pictures?
-has nothing to do with sports?
-can be concealed in a purse or pocket?

Shtick thot in yur pipe und shmoke it, Ma'amzelle.

B Shipley

New member
The follow-up article in next month's edition:

.357 Tips & Tricks To Get Him To Put Down That Gun And Pay More Attention To You In The Bedroom While Resolving His Childhood Issues And Building A Better Relationship!


New member
This is the only response so far at the link Oatka posted above.
I don't know who "Simona" is, but she (?) certainly put it all in perspective pretty quickly.

Forum: Measure Your Man II
Date: 07/23/00 11:54:35AM
From: Simona


Does Your Boyfriend Own a Gun?

Why does Millie get into this PC arena?

'For many women, finding a boyfriend's gun --
or learning he has one -- is a little like
coming across his hard-core porn collection.
It hints at all sorts of dark, messy desires
in your partner, from his delusions of being
a badass Puff Daddy to his ability to menace

Hello? My boyfriend has a gun to protect me
and mine and I love him all the more for it.
He is willing to put his life on the line
for me - not depend upon some underpaid
civil servant to do it. (I will tell you
that a Temporary Restraining Order is NO
protection against 'all sorts of messy

The only menace I'v ever had to face was
some creep who stalked me for a few months.
I wish my boyfriend-with-a-gun was around
then because the authorities could/would do

I might even get one too. I will not have a
chalk outline drawn around me or mine
because it took the police 5 minutes to
answer call for help.

This article is a slap in the face to those
of us whose boyfriends have a gun. I resent
it's ownership being put in the same sick
league as pornography - or is that Millie's
'dark, messy desire'?


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>This article is a slap in the face to those of us whose boyfriends have a gun. [/quote]

Or those of us with a gun ourselves. Or maybe I've just been hanging out at msmagazine, too much. :)

Miss Demeanors

New member
You mean there was actually an ARTICLE in that magazine? My sister gets that, I read it once and it was nothing but ugly clothes and stinky perfume ads. I prefer Guns-n-Ammo anyday over that. :D

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We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica


New member
I'm guilty - I have put up a personals profile on the web... And after a couple of previous relationships with female critters who obviously read the wrong magazines, I included a blurb about how I'm a gun person, I shoot competitively, and I'm not gonna stop.

Got a few bites.

And I've taken one (previously non-shooter) to the range a couple of times (the first time was to a benchrest match, and she was quite surprised that all the guys weren't running around playing Rambo like on TV...), and she wants her own toys...

Steve Smith

New member
PAX, any chance I could persuade you to write a letter to Mademoiselle in protest to their article? A man writing to the would mean nothing...but a woman could make a difference. (I'm sure they have a "Readers Thoughts" column.