Does Walmart sell handguns?


New member
I have heard that at one time Walmart sold handguns. They had a catalog in the sporting goods department that could be used to make the selection.

Anyone ever heard of this?

Is it still possible to order handguns through Walmart?


Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
I don't think they sell handgun's any more? At least
they don't here in central BamaLand.:( :eek: :rolleyes:

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
In the lower 48? Not to my knowledge. Up in Alaska, Kmart (and I would presume Walmart) will order anything from Armalite to Walther because it can be a long drive to a "normal" FFL.



New member
As I recall from when they changed their policy almost 10 years ago, they no longer have handguns on display at the store but they will order for you. I don't know if that has changed since.
I bought several handguns from Wal-mart prior to the change.


New member
Alaska is the only state that Wal-Mart sells handguns. I work in an Oklahoma Wally-World (the sporting goods dept.) They used to sell all kinds of handguns in the special order catalog, but then somebody shot somebody and Wal-Mart decided it was easier to get rid of the handguns than deal with any bad press. The people in Alaska got to keep their ability to get handguns from Wal-Mart because of the area that they live in.

Blue Duck357

New member
Back when Wal-mart quit selling handguns "over the counter" about ten years ago they tried to make up for it by offering to order any handgun for you. I looked at them a few years back and found they were just letting you order through them at full retail price. They had few takers and the option of ordering through them was dropped entirely a couple of years ago.

Real shame of Wal-Mart quiting selling handguns in my area 10 years ago was that every dealer in my small town immediatly raised thier prices on handguns 30% overnight thinking they had hit the jackpot.

Must have not been as good an idea as they thought as three of the four dedicated gunshops in town are now out of business. The fourth sits around trying to sell dust covered used Glocks with one ten round mag for $500 and new ruger autos's for $475. I like most people head out of town for any kind of decent deal. Good riddance to them all.


New member

I didn't believe it but it was the case at least some time ago.
Thanks for the info.

Blue Duck,

I have seen that scenario work its magic on some local shops as well. Local shops that just tried to survive on the few uninformed people that would come in and pay crazy prices. Funny thing is, I these shops in big citys and they are able to survive because the numbers are in their favor.


New member
They stopped sometime in the mid 90's I think. There is a court case going on in Ft Worth Texas right now because of this. They sold a Glock to a guy in 92 I believe and he then went to the local court house and shot and killed his lawyer and wounded a judge. The family memebrs are sueing Wal-Mart for selling the gun to a guy with a mental history. They sold the gun according to federal law at the time. How were they to know? There should be a decision on the case sometime this weekend I think.


New member
They used to sell Glocks where I lived in California until about 8 or 9 years ago and then they stopped. I figured it was a liability insurance thing. I know others did as well. I don't think any of them do now.


New member
Yeah, they are suing for $43 million :eek:

I pray they (the plaintiffs) lose, and lose big time. One of the plaintiffs was a judge, for cryin out loud. Ambulance chasers.

If they win, it means that an FFL will be liable for your mental condition, and that they can refuse to sell to you for any reason just by claimiong "he looked strange". A serious blow. Gun brokers are not MDs.


New member
Here's a sound byte that stuck in the back of my head, and I'm not sure how accurate it is:

Sheryl Crow had a song with a lyric about how "WalMart is selling handguns to kids" or something to that effect. WalMart refused to sell her album. I don't remember anything beyond that, but this may have been around the same time.


New member
Wal-Mart used to sell handguns. The "then-wife" bought a real inexpensive 22LR/22Mag SA revolver [I think it was called a "Buffalo Scout"] That was about '83 or '84. Last time I bought a new one from Wal-Mart was 1995, a 30-30 Marlin. I don't remember seeing handguns in the display case, just 'scopes & knives.