Does Walmart sell guns?


New member
I'm in the midst of a anti-gun/progun discussion and I need to know if Wallmart sells guns. Anyone know?


New member
No handguns for quite a few years now (they used to sell them), but WalMart sells both rifles and shotguns, plus ammo in some stores, not all. In my area, at least one WalMart still has guns, but most don't.


New member
some of the walmart stores here in oklahoma have stopped selling guns all together and their ammo has sky rocketed drastically:(


New member
Every Wal-Mart here has at least some selection of long guns, plus ammunition for handguns and long guns. I thought I heard somewhere that most of the Wal-Marts that had stopped selling firearms had other locations nearby (within like 30 miles) that still did...basically just trying to consolidate to cut down on licensing costs. So instead of selling guns at every store in a metro area, they'd just have them at one or two.


New member
No Wal-Mart in SoCA sells guns. Ammo though! Go figure! Guess these days if Sam wanted to take Ol'Roy out he'd have to buy his gun at Big5??? :rolleyes:



I sugest that wally world has a problem with clerks,and paper work.many stores dropped guns because of ATF regulations.260,000 dealers down to 60, round numbers.:confused: :eek:


New member
I live in a small town and our WALMART sales rifles and shotguns. In fact I think it is the only place within 50 miles where you can go in and pick a long gun off the shelf instead of ordering through a FFL holder.

The reason some WALMART's stopped selling guns was a matter of sales. If you have a bunch of deer rifles and shotguns in stock at a metro store, but you only sale one every year or so, what is the point in having them there? All they do is collect dust and the store loses money.


New member
The Wal*Marts in NE OH have started to eliminate firearms at the urban and suburban locations but still sell in the rural areas.


New member
Walmarts here in NJ don't sell guns at all. Even if they did, I wouldn't buy from them. I want to buy from someone that is somewhat knowledgeable, not someone who is a cashier today and an electronics clerk tomorrow.

Besides, I'd much rather support the little guy, so that there's someplace to shop at in future years other than walmart.


New member
Went to one near me today just to check if they still do sell guns and ammo. Yep WWB 9mm.........14.96 per hundred

WWB 45 ACP......24.77 per hundred

Still have a decent selection of long guns. I'll buy plinking ammo there but no guns.


New member
Every new walmart does not carry guns. Less than 1/3 of wallmarts have gusn b/c some eliminated the dept. Many have ammo and no guns.