Does this 1911 exist?

Friar Whently

New member
I'm curious as to whether a 1911 with these specs even exists:

All stainless (NO aluminum frame)
Small size...preferably 3 inch barrel

Kimber makes the Ultra Carry II in 9mm with a stainless finish, but has an aluminum frame. I think I've also found a stainless 1911 that meets the size criteria, but is in .45. Anyone know of something that fits all 3 criteria?


New member
You won't find too many 3" 1911's that don't have an aluminum frame. The 3" guns are designed and marketed with concealed carry in mind, and most of them use aluminum frames to cut down on weight as much as possible.

Right now I can't think of any mass produced gun that meets those requirements. You can have one built by a company like Fusion, but you are going to pay for it. If you can settle on an aluminum frame there are several different options out there.


New member
Agreed, you are going to have a tough time finding one without an aluminum alloy frame. This doesn't mean that a custom shop couldn't modifiy a stainless frame for you but you would be able to fool around on this one. You would have to go with someone who really knows his stuff and has a reputation. This of course is usually expensive.

Still looking at things from the perspective that sometimes one must compromise, here is what I have found that might fit your needs.

Para has a new 9mm that is 1911 based, but it is DAO and like Springfield's EMP and Kimber's SOLO, it is designed only for 9mm and it's dimmensioned for the caliber.

Para also has some 9mm/40S&W/.45 1911 compacts.

STI might be your best bet, do some looking at the models and although some are very expensive others are more resonable, and then there is the good used catch.

STI has a special modified version called the LS and it's worth special note, check it out.

BTW, I am in the same boat looking for the same type of solution. I want SA, 1911 format and functionality, and I will almost certainly just go with a Springfield EMP.


New member
Just curious - what's wrong with aluminum frame on a 1911? Is there something about the 1911 that makes aluminum frames a problem? I know plenty of other designs with alum. frames (Sigs, Berettas) hold up just fine.

Friar Whently

New member
Nothing wrong with the aluminum frame Beretta has an aluminum frame. I just like the feel and heft of an all-steel gun.

Lee, what brand is that 38 you mention?


New member
Springfield Armory hits your material and size requirements with their Loaded Ultra Compact (PX9161LP), but it's a .45ACP and not 9mm.

That's about the only Officer's sized 1911 I can think of that doesn't use an aluminum frame to help reduce weight.


Active member
If anyone finds what the OP describes, please post pictures, I'd be interested n finding one too.

FWIW, I like the STI LS9, but it comes in only steel, not stainless.


New member
I find almost all of the firearms manufacturer's websites to be terrible. I can't stand poking all over the place just to find out if so and so makes a 1911 in .45cal.

Case in point, go look at Les Baer's site and tell me if they make a 1911 with a barrel 4" or less.

Every one needs a way to sort through their products in order to narrow the field. This does two things and I will again pick on Les Baer. It keeps the potential customer from getting frustrated and bored and leaving before he finds that you do actually have what he wants. And it gives you a way to track what people are looking for so you can decide if you have been neglecting a slice of the market.


New member

Amiercan Classic Amigo.



It's not a 9mm...


New member
Wilson Combat makes a number of models 9mm ...and stainless or carbon steel ...but they shortest they'll go is 4"...

but its a gun you won't regret ...

Wilson will also do some modifications that are not in their website or standard catalog ...but you'll have to call them. I do think their website is pretty easy to use / gives you a lot of info. All of the Wilson's I have are 5" guns...which is what I prefer...but I have no reservations about their 4" guns..