Does the NRA have a monopoly?


New member
Seeing the NRA instructor roll call thread reminded me of something I've been curious about for some time. Maybe you folks can help.

It appears that the NRA is the only nation-wide firearms organization that offers instruction courses in most aspects of gun ownership. I've tried to find out if there is any other similar organization, like the GOA, for example, that does the same thing, but haven't found any. Every time I see an announcement for a hunter safety course, or a firearms safety course, or whatever, it's always a local affair, and the instructors are all NRA-certified. It's as if nobody else does this outside of law enforcement, and not all LEO departments offer training to the general public.

Anybody know of any group or organization, other than those like Gunsite, that offer the same type of training courses the NRA does?


New member
Don't know of any other organizations that offer instructor certification for modern firearms. NMLRA certifies instructors for muzzleloading rifle, shotgun, and pistol.

David Park

New member
I wouldn't call the NRA a monopoly, I'd call it the standard. Despite the gun-banner comments about the all-powerful NRA gun lobby, it's strength is really as an educational organization. While it might not offer the best training courses, it's the benchmark by which all others are judged. Also, many state laws specifically mention NRA courses or instructor training as a prerequisite for CCW.

There are other national organizations, but they are usually limited to specific types of firearms training. For example, the Civilian Marksmanship Program is for military weapons past and present (specifically the M1 Garand). The National Shooting Sports Foundation offers literature, but I don't know if they have courses.
Harumph! Well, the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association also certifies rangemasters and instructors. Then again, their membership is a drop in the ocean compared to the NRA.