Does Tannerite=Red Flag?

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New member
I was being told the other day as soon as you buy tannerite the govt starts watching your activities even closer.
And if they ever take our guns away, (over my dead body),
The ones that have tannerite will get theirs taken first.
It sounds like a heapload of liberal BS.
Sorry, bias is showing. xD
I have nothing to hide, I'm just plain curious.
It would be cool to shoot at and watch it go boom.
I just dont want the feds at my doorstep so to speak.
(Even though they are since I'm in the Air Force...) XD haha
Any advice is appreciated!

chris in va

New member
Buy it, shoot it...enjoy. Just don't go stuffing a pickup with a few hundred pounds, because it tends to set off alarms at the nearest nuke plant.


New member
There are far more easily procured and effective forms of explosives than tannerite. Tannerite is legal for good reasons.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Never heard of anybody having a problem from possessing Tannerite and playing with it within legal circumstances. Possibly somebody got stupid about how they used it, but that's a completely different animal.

Enough OT...
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