does powder tend to 'speckle' the outside of a stainless barrel?


New member
I assume this happens to all barrels but stainless its noticeable? My two stainless guns just have very small (pin sized) slightly darker grey spots on them, you have to hold it about an inch or two from your eye just to see them.

I'm pretty sure its not rust, perhaps I am wrong? I am guessing its just stains on the metal? Is this pretty normal for a stainless gun?
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New member
1911 barrel and a Ruger SR9. I shoot mostly WWB and Federal ammo thru them. Clean them after each range session. its very very small and faint on the 1911 I'm not sure if I could get it to show up on a picture. I will try. it has no feel to it either. (such as pitting) barrel is still smooth to the touch.

first thing I thought was 'powder' such as on the face of a revolver cylinder. Then I wanted to make sure it wasn't rust. Because it seems quite uniform around the barrel.


New member
Is your 1911 a Kimber? Most of their models have uncoated steel barrels and are not stainless.I've gotten speckles on stainless parts if the oil mixed with powder residue gets splattered onto them, but your talking pin size dots so I'll have to see those pictures like everyone else.


New member
Rust can often appear as dark spots, especially on stainless. Stainless steel can rust, it's not rust proof, it's rust resistant.


New member
Here are some attempts at pictures. :( These are under LED light from a maglite.

Inside of my 1911 barrel. spots on the outside I couldn't get to photograph. I haven't had this 1911 long. I am honestly not sure how my barrel looked when I got it. It could've come this way. I think some is copper fouling but it doesn't look 'normal' to me.



The exterior of my SR9 barrel

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New member
yes the darker "spots" are on the exterior of the barrel but they are very small and my limited camera selection cannot seem to focus on it well enough to make them out. it did manage to focus on the muzzle and rifling so i posted them because to be totally honest i have no idea what a stainless bore is supposed to look like? I thought someone could let me know. im very paranoid about gun rust its given me trouble in the past when my safe had to be stored in a basement. my safe is @ 40% humidity with a golden rod and small fan to circulate air, also some silica. i also have eezox on the way.