Does my dog need a CCW ?


New member
I think working with "strange"people is starting to wear off on me. Today after seeing Cslinger's post of his armed attack dog I started to wonder if my dog had a gun in his dog vest would he need a CCW? And if my wife and I were walking our armed dog and we did not have a CCW who would be arrested for concealed carry without a CCW?
Now don't anybody worry about me I'm only half serious. It has been a looooong day and humor is important. Surely Schumer is currently working on a bill for this situation.


New member
PS Say the dog is not registered to us. Could we ( legally) claim he was a friendly dog who only sleeps over now and then? Or we never saw him before? Or...? (any ideas out there? only serious replies please) :)


New member
Just be careful. You may want to check out the "dog shoots man!!!!" thread that was up a couple of weeks ago. :D I wouldn't trust him with a gun until he can recite the 4 rules back to you :D


New member
Maybe this will help

buddy of mine has labs, now he has to license them. The labs think they are human and part of the family. So on the neoprene vests they have a couple of shell loops -with bismuth shot-so they feel right at home. Naturally the dogs don't have a hunting license, but they sometimes retrieve the cased shotguns when time to go. btw the Mrs is going to add shell loops to a lighter vest for bird hunting--the dogs like this-I think its cool -why not?

I actually think these 2 know the 4 rules, and I bet if LOP was right they'd outshoot some of the guests...


New member
Actually Klondike has a saddlebag style backpack he wears when we go hiking. (I make him carry his own food!) It wouldn't be a problem to slip a handgun into it. I wonder if a LEO would ever think to look in the dog's backpack? :confused:



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New member
We can't let dogs have guns. Too many people have guns. If we let the dogs have guns violence will be on every street and kennel of America.

Its for the puppies.:)

Daniel T

New member
A WAG admittedly, but I'd imagine that they'd claim that since the dog is yours, being with you and all, that the gun is in your possesion. I guess it depends on the exact definition of "possesion" in your state.


Moderator Emeritus
Should a cop notice that Rover is printing through his doggie sweater, you could always try the ol' "But honest, officer, he just followed me home!" routine. ;)


New member
I don't have away to post a pic

Last time I saw these two- driving daddy crazy. They wanted to "chase" the clays being thrown on the farm.

Tamara gave me 'nuther thought to tic off the anti's.

"how much is the doggie in the window...not that one...the one with the mod 19 on his hip ?"


New member
I think the dog would need a CCW license.

I wonder how he do on the test? Especially the proficency (shooting) part. Dogs got no thumbs. It better be a small gun....How fast can he get it in battery?......where will he carry his license? will he carry an extra mag too? and don't forget a streamlight, and maybe some pepper spray....and a good folder, every dog should have a good folding knife. How big was this vest? Maybe you could get the dog one of those CCW Badges to wear with his rabies tag.

:) :D :) :confused: