does Keislers sell to the public or dealers only.


New member
i picked up a shotgun news today and they have some awesome prices. tried to call but they were closed already. tia


New member
Kieslers does sell to public..

I bought a drop dead gorgeous 1874 Sharps repro from needed a little fixup and they turned it around and got it back to me in one week...The sharps draws a crowd at the dose guys...


all yaneed is love and a .45


New member
They have a retail store too if you are in the area. I bought a couple of things there last week. They have been very helpful whenever I had a question about anything.



New member
Don't miss their "bag o' guns" specials! :D

Mixed lots of confiscated guns from D.C., Chicago, New York or New Orleans. 6 in a bag, buy them blind.

Decent place for ammo as well.

robert sherman

New member
dealer only for guns

I tried to buy directly about 2 years ago. They most assuredly did not sell direct to me. My local dealer called them to ask their policy. The add prices are wholesale only on guns. My dealer ordered the item from Kiesler's but I had to pay his markup--not just the transfer fee. I have ordered ammo direct from Kiesler's. The dealer only prices applied only to firearms.