Does crime increase in the winter?


New member
I think I recall seeing a statistic that most crimes occur at night, or most SD shootings occur at night, something like about 80%.

SO, since the days get so much shorter in the winter, does crime increase as well?

If so, let's ban winter!!!! :p


New member
Supposedly, it decreases in the winter. Criminals are generally lazy by nature, and it just takes too much effort to get out and "work" in the winter. Besides... they don't know what someone might have under their coat.


I believe there is a general decrease in crime, in cold weather. And a dramtic decrease, during major sporting events.


New member
I believe that violent crime is more likely to occur in the summer when it's hot. People get hot,, they get restless and moody. Mix in a little alcohol and they migh even get ornery.

Ought Six

New member
There are more opportunities for criminals during hot weather. People get out more, leaving their homes unoccupied. More people are out and parking their cars away from home, in more vunerable locations. There are more tourists about, and criminals love tourists. And yes, the heat can inflame peoples' tempers.


New member
crimes up

I think crime might increase in winter( urban anyway) for these reasons: 1) less people on the streets, making crooks bolder 2) holidays,Crooks need to buy gifts too 3) Holiday crowds mean better pickpocket oppotunities 4)crooks also know people tend to have more money on their person & at home for the holidays 5)Holidays means traveling, more burglaries. 6)mall crowds =better cover for shoplifters. 7) holiday depression=more suicides. I better stop, I'm depressing myself:(


New member
Over here, crime historically falls October and November, rises during December with New Years Eve being the worst night of the year, at least in London because half the population is boozed up along three or four miles of the Thames, Trafalgar and Leicester Squares. January and Febuary are then very quiet, with things only really picking up once the Summer "starts" (as far as it does here) in May.


New member
According to the Professor George Carlin, there are more rapes at the north pole than at the equator.... :D

David Park

New member
You might look at the Uniform Crime Report for your state, or the overall report from the DOJ/FBI. The 2001 Virginia report has some interesting charts. Murder is fairly stable, except for a peak in December and dip in February. (February seems to have the lowest crime of any month, maybe because it's cold and short.) Violent crimes like rape and assault peak in the late summer and drop off drastically during the winter and spring. On the other hand, crimes like burglary and motor vehicle theft seem more common in the late fall and early winter.

The peak time for violent crime in VA is between midnight and 1 AM, especially on Saturday (i.e., late Friday night).

I found it interesting that drug arrests peaked in February and March. Could this be because these are the lightest months for other types of crime?