Does brand of brass matter?


New member
I think I am going to go buy a couple of boxes of factory ammo to fireform some new 280 AI brass.Do you think it matters what brand it is,or is it all about the same?


New member
I don't reload much rifle ammo but I can tell you I have definitely seen differences in various manufacturer's pistol brass. Haven't noticed any significant differences in the 'name brand' stuff though. Winchester, Remington, Federal and the like, it's all good from what I've seen. It's when you get into some of the oddball (read: cheap) makers that they can get strange. For fireforming I'd definitely want good stuff since you're going to intentionally deform it.

Midway does sell 280AI brass from Norma. Good stuff there, but kinda pricey.

If you happen to run across any AMERC .45, pitch it! After smashing it to uselessness. (Actually, it's already worse than useless, you need to make it unusable. :rolleyes:)


New member
Thanks guys.I went ahead and ordered the brass although it was Nosler as the Norma was out of stock.No more than I shoot this rifle 50 will last me a long time.And it will save me wear on the barrel.I didn't know they offered it.A lot has changed since I was really in to this.Shouldn't have gone to Midway's site .Cost me a couple of hundred bucks before I got away from it.
You did well with Nosler brass. There are poor grades and good grades of brass. Laua is a good one also. Remember you will have to 'anneal' your cases about every 5th reload for maximum life, important with good brass.
I think it depends on your application:

If you reload to hunt then my answer is no. Stay with common name brands such as Remington, Federal, etc. and you'll be fine.

If you reload for pure accuracy such as rifle competition, then yes, it does. IMO there are minute inconsistencies in your lower end but still useable brass that your higher end stuff such as Lapua and Norma outclasses...
Shouldn't have gone to Midway's site .Cost me a couple of hundred bucks before I got away from it.

Only $200?:eek: If that's my order amount, I'd be calling it good self-discipline!:D

Every time I order, they always have other stuff that I "need". Can't resist...:eek:


New member
You got away for only $200? Man, I admire your discipline. I have to ask SWMBO before I even THINK of ordering! HEHE. They sure do have lotsa neat stuff, don't they? Anyway, I have just about all I need for now. I have to order a sizing die for the 45/70 later this month. Already got permission.