Does Anything like this exist?


New member
The other day I was looking at a Sig 226 (my next gun most likely) when i guy told me that Sigs were cool because when you cocked the hammer it also chambered a round without you having to rack the slide.

I responded that I'm pretty sure it wasn't a Sig he's thinking of as my 229 doesn't do anything like this:D I also told him I'd never heard of any gun that does. He then told me that he didn't believe it either until he saw it.

So as dumb as I feel asking this, is there ANY gun that does this or did he imagine something? I only ask because he didn't seem like that much of a blow hard and he claims to have shot said gun.


New member
I've never heard of such a thing. Of course that doesn't mean it does not exist because there are a LOT of odd items out there, but I've never heard of one.


Be interesting to get some more information from the guy (if for nothing else than laughs ;) ). As it stands I'm gonna call BS on this one...


New member
Two good things to avoid is talking with idiots or trying to teach pigs to fly...both are a big waste of time....


New member
The only gun, that kinda sorta does something a little bit like that is the HK-P7. If the gun has the slide locked back, you insert a loaded mag and squeeze the cocker on the front strap. The slide release trips, the slide drops, chambering a round,and, you are holding a cocked, loaded gun ready to shoot. (Hardly a semi auto that chambers a round when you cock the hammer, but, thats as close as I could get to what the gun store commando could possibly mean)
just think how hard the hammer would be to pull back...

if that action had to pull the slide back, strip a cartridge from the clip,& send the cartridge to the chamber...

if the slide was already back, there would have to be seperate mechanism to chamber the round, as the slide is what usually does this...

hmmm.... confused the slide release for the hammer ???

or were we talking about one of those semi auto revolvers ???

The Tourist

He may have seen a smaller Beretta being loaded.

They have a release which tips up the barrel to insert a cartridge. The hammer can then be cocked on a live round without the slide being manipulated.

The Tourist


If memory serves, they made calibres up to .380 ACP. Of course, I have not seen one, up close or in a catalog, for many years.

For people with limited hand strength (or one hand), I thought it was a great idea.


New member
If you cock the hammer using the attached hammer-cocker* it will work like that.

*For clarification, the hammer-cocker is sometimes referred to as "the slide". :p


New member
Bad information

The guy who told you that cocking the hammer without manipulating the slide chambers a round, is full of condensed apple pie.